
Change Metrics for your GitHub orgs/repos and Gerrit projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Monocle purpose is to provide metrics about Changes through a web API and a web UI. Monocle supports Github Pull Requests and Gerrit Reviews. Monocle provides a set of crawlers designed to fetch Pull Requests and Reviews data from the Github or Gerrit APIs and to store changes and changes related events into Elasticsearch. Furthermore Monocle implements ready to use queries and a React based web UI.


Deploy the master version

Monocle is in an early phase of developement. Feedback is highly welcome.

The process below describes how to index changes from a Github repository, a full Github organisation and Gerrit repositories, and then how to start the web UI to browse metrics using docker-compose.

Clone and prepare data directory

$ git clone https://github.com/morucci/monocle.git
$ cd monocle
$ mkdir data etc dump

Create the config.yaml file

Generate a personal access token on Github (w/o any specific rights).

Then create the config file etc/config.yaml:

  - index: monocle
      loop_delay: 10
        - name: tektoncd
          repository: pipeline
          updated_since: "2020-03-15"
          token: <github_token>
          base_url: https://github.com
        - name: spinnaker
          updated_since: "2020-03-15"
          token: <github_token>
          base_url: https://github.com
        - name: ^zuul/.*
          updated_since: "2020-03-15 00:00:00"
          base_url: https://review.opendev.org
  # A private index only whitelisted users are authorized to access
  - index: monocle-private
      - github_login
      loop_delay: 10
        - name: containers
          repository: libpod
          updated_since: "2020-03-15"
          token: <github_token>
          base_url: https://github.com

Start docker-compose

$ docker-compose up -d

ElasticSearch could need some capabilities to run in container mode. Take a look at the logs to see if it started correctly:

$ docker-compose logs elastic

For example, you could need to increase this system parameter:

$ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

or make the data directory writable for other:

$ chmod o+w data

You might need to check the crawler logs:

$ docker-compose logs crawler

Accessing the web UI

You should be able to access the web UI at http://localhost:3000/monocle.


Understanding the design choices

Follow the Architectural Decision Records to understand the choices made by the project.

Reloading code

This section explains how you can hack the Monocle code. The idea is to use the docker deployment to avoid complex development methods.

After changes, simply run the following command. docker-compose will rebuild and re-spawn the changed containers:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

Git hooks


To be sure to push correct branches, you have to configure the pre-push git hook by creating .git/hooks/pre-push with the following content:


exec ./contrib/pre-push "$@"

and making it executable with chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push.


Optionnaly, you can enable the pre-commit git hook to reformat your code by creating .git/hooks/pre-commit with the following content:


exec ./contrib/pre-commit "$@"

and making it executable with chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit.

Configure the Github Oauth authentication to secure private indexes

  1. Create an Oauth APP in your Github user settings page
  2. Add "http://localhost:9876/api/0/authorize" in "User authorization callback URL"
  3. Set "CLIENT_ID" and "CLIENT_SECRET" in docker-compose.yaml
  4. Re/start the Docker compose
  5. Navigate to "http://localhost:3000/login" to authenticate

The authentication and authorization support is new and only provides a solution to control access to private indexes. Only login users part of "users" will be authorized to access the related index.