A web-based app that let's you fetch weather info and answers the most important weather detail I'm interested in – if it's sweaty out.
Milligram | A minimalist CSS framework.
Twilio: Enables phone based communications to be embedded into web, desktop, and mobile software.
Stamplay: Chains together various APIs as if they are Lego blocks and arranges them into service based apps
Open Weather Map API: Allows you to access weather data for hundreds of thousands of cities around the world
Enter city name and retrieve forecast data for 2 days, 5 days, 7 days, 10 days, && || 14 days
Tells the site visitor whether it's sweaty out based on the day's humidity % and max temp
Message the Is It Sweaty Out? app number from a verified number to get a weather report / forecast delivered to your phone
Map the user's city search to Open Weather Map's city list ids
Button to display weather data from randomly selected city
Maximize mobile responsiveness