
React Menu

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Menu Component. port from https://github.com/kissyteam/menu

NPM version build status Test coverage Dependencies DevDependencies npm download bundle size




import Menu, { SubMenu, MenuItem } from 'rc-menu';

    <SubMenu title="2">


IE / Edge
IE / Edge
IE11, Edge last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions


Menu props

name type default description
className String additional css class of root dom node
mode String vertical one of ["horizontal","inline","vertical-left","vertical-right"]
activeKey String initial and current active menu item's key.
defaultActiveFirst Boolean false whether active first menu item when show if activeKey is not set or invalid
multiple Boolean false whether allow multiple select
selectable Boolean true allow selecting menu items
selectedKeys String[] [] selected keys of items
defaultSelectedKeys String[] [] initial selected keys of items
openKeys String[] [] open keys of SubMenuItem
defaultOpenKeys String[] [] initial open keys of SubMenuItem
onSelect function({key:String, item:ReactComponent, domEvent:Event, selectedKeys:String[]}) called when select a menu item
onClick function({key:String, item:ReactComponent, domEvent:Event, keyPath: String[]}) called when click a menu item
onOpenChange (openKeys:String[]) => void called when open/close sub menu
onDeselect function({key:String, item:ReactComponent, domEvent:Event, selectedKeys:String[]}) called when deselect a menu item. only called when allow multiple
triggerSubMenuAction Enum { hover, click } hover which action can trigger submenu open/close
openAnimation {enter:function,leave:function}|String animate when sub menu open or close. see rc-motion for object type.
openTransition String css transitionName when sub menu open or close
subMenuOpenDelay Number 0 delay time to show popup sub menu. unit: s
subMenuCloseDelay Number 0.1 delay time to hide popup sub menu. unit: s
forceSubMenuRender Boolean false whether to render submenu even if it is not visible
getPopupContainer Function(menuDOMNode): HTMLElement () => document.body Where to render the DOM node of popup menu when the mode is horizontal or vertical
builtinPlacements Object of alignConfigs for dom-align see placements.ts Describes how the popup menus should be positioned
itemIcon ReactNode | (props: MenuItemProps) => ReactNode Specify the menu item icon.
expandIcon ReactNode | (props: SubMenuProps & { isSubMenu: boolean }) => ReactNode Specify the menu item icon.
direction String Layout direction of menu component, it supports RTL direction too.

Menu.Item props

name type default description
className String additional css class of root dom node
disabled Boolean false no effect for click or keydown for this item
key Object corresponding to activeKey
onMouseEnter Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onMouseLeave Function({eventKey, domEvent})
itemIcon ReactNode | (props: MenuItemProps) => ReactNode Specify the menu item icon.

Menu.SubMenu props

name type default description
popupClassName String additional css class of root dom node
title String/ReactElement sub menu's content
overflowedIndicator String/ReactElement ··· overflow indicator when menu overlows in horizontal mode
key Object corresponding to activeKey
disabled Boolean false no effect for click or keydown for this item
onMouseEnter Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onMouseLeave Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onTitleMouseEnter Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onTitleMouseLeave Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onTitleClick Function({eventKey, domEvent})
popupOffset Array The offset of the popup submenu, in an x, y coordinate array. e.g.: `[0,15]`
expandIcon ReactNode | (props: SubMenuProps) => ReactNode Specify the menu item icon.
itemIcon ReactNode | (props: SubMenuProps & { isSubMenu: boolean }) => ReactNode Specify the menu item icon.

Menu.Divider props


Menu.ItemGroup props

name type default description
title String|React.Element title of item group
children React.Element[] MenuItems belonged to this group


npm install
npm start



online example: http://react-component.github.io/menu/examples/

Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test


npm run coverage

open coverage/ dir


rc-menu is released under the MIT license.