
Repository of resources for webMAN MOD and IRISMAN


Covers pack for webMAN MOD, sMAN, multiMAN, IRISMAN and ManaGunZ

Additional resources for webMAN MOD

Backup Managers for PS3

Essential Tools for PS3

Modding Tools

  • Arisen Mods - Browse, Download and Install Mods for PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360
  • CCAPI - ControlConsoleAPI (aka CCAPI) - API for PS3
  • NetCheatPS3 - Remote Cheating Tool for PS3
  • Cutter - Free decompiler & debugger tool for PS3 files and other platforms

Firmware Tools for PS3

Online Tools & Databases

SDKs for developement on PS3

@rhynec has prepared two github repos which provide pre-compiled PSL1GHT toolchains:

  • SDK-Mirror: Mirrored and re-packaged pre-compiled toolchains from various authors.
  • SDK-Build: Automated builds of the PSL1GHT toolchain, with the psdk variant meant as a re-creation of PSDK3v2 for Linux (using gcc 4), and the ps3dev-latest variant being a working build of latest ps3dev sources (using an older commit to PSL1GHT, since newer commits seems to break builds).

PSL1GHT SDK alternative fork based on PSDK3v2 and additions by @bucanero