
Practice: Rails Authentication

Primary LanguageRuby

🐱 Katstagram 🐱

By Olivia Hinton & Noah Yasskin | 9/15/16


This fun app lets you upload your favorite cat photos and tag your friends in cat photos!

General Setup Instructions

  • Clone this repository
  • Install gems by running command $ bundle in the terminal
  • Open another terminal tab and type postgres to start PostgreSQL database
  • Return to first terminal tab and run rails db:create to create the databases
  • Run rails db:migrate db:test:prepare to create tables
  • Launch the Rails server by running command $ rails s in the terminal
  • Launch site by visiting localhost:3000 in browser

Project Guidelines

Make an app that lets users upload their photos to share with the world. User stories include:

  • Users create accounts
  • Users can add, edit, delete images (but only their own)
  • Users can add, edit, delete tags for all images
  • Users can tag each other in images (to start simple, you may choose to display a list of all the users in a drop-down menu when you add a tag)
  • Users have a profile page (users#show) with a list of all the photos they are tagged in
  • Users can "favorite" images; include image favorites on profile page
  • Users can add, edit, delete comments to images

Tech Used

  • Ruby on Rails (v.
  • Active Record
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap/SCSS


This software is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2016 Olivia Hinton & Noah Yasskin