
Python CSP library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


General-purpose Python solver for constraint satisfaction problems. Useful for anything that can be formulated as a CSP, such as scheduling or Sudoku.


git clone https://github.com/ohjay/cspy.git
cd cspy
python setup.py develop


In general, CSPs are defined by their variables, domains, and constraints. In CSPy, each variable is represented as a Variable object which also encodes the associated domain as a set of values. Upon construction, a Variable takes a name (to be used as an identifier) and an initial set of possible values:

from cspy import Variable
var_ts0 = Variable('teaching_slot_8am', {'Robin', 'Evan', 'Chris'})

Meanwhile, each constraint is represented as a tuple of N variable names (note: the string names, not the actual variables!) and a function which takes in those N variables and returns either True or False, depending on whether or not the constraint is satisfied. Note: constraint formulation makes a huge difference. Try to minimize the number of variables involved in each constraint.

from cspy import Constraint
constraint0 = Constraint(('teaching_slot_8am',), lambda var_ts0: var_ts0 != 'Evan')

Constructors for common constraints, such as uniqueness (where no two variables can have the same value) have been predefined in common_constraints. Each constraint constructor accepts its own arguments, generally involving a collection of variable names, and creates a constraint (sometimes multiple). At the time of writing, supported constraint constructors (+ signatures) include

  • uniqueness(var_names)
  • inequality(name0, name1)
  • inequality_unary(name, constant)

In the CSPy interface, all constructs are tied together through the CSP class. A CSP object represents a constraint satisfaction problem in full, and contains methods for adding both variables and constraints to the represented problem.

from cspy import CSP
csp = CSP()

Once the problem has been defined, solutions can be obtained via csp.get_solution() or csp.get_all_solutions().

soln = csp.get_solution(algorithm='backtracking')  # which here would return either 'Robin' or 'Chris'



import itertools
from cspy import Variable, Constraint, CSP
N = 8
csp = CSP()
var_names = []
for i in range(N):
    csp.add_variable(Variable(str(i), [(r, c) for r in range(N) for c in range(N)]))
for names in itertools.combinations(var_names, 2):
    csp.add_constraint(Constraint(names, lambda v0, v1: v0.value[0] != v1.value[0]))
    csp.add_constraint(Constraint(names, lambda v0, v1: v0.value[1] != v1.value[1]))
    csp.add_constraint(Constraint(names, lambda v0, v1: abs(v0.value[0] - v1.value[0]) != abs(v0.value[1] - v1.value[1])))
soln = csp.get_solution(algorithm='min_conflicts')


The code given here will solve this game.