Project 1
Project Description
This project is a rudimentary expense reimbursement system. This is a single page app (SPA) that allows employees to make reimbursement requests and managers to approve or deny them; managers also have the ability to request reimbursements. The data is persisted on an AWS RDS instance to keep track of user information and requests. Kanban board:
Roles / Responsibilities
- Team Lead for the project
- Coded and tested the Python back-end with Pytest
- Coded JS and HTML for a dynamic frontend
- Implemented end-to-end testing with Behave and Selenium
- Collaborated with team-mate via ping-pong programming
- Managed the project through GitHub and utilized Kanban boards to itemize and track timelines/tasks
- Javascript
- PostgreSQL
- Pytest
- Behave
- DOM manipulation through Javascript
- RESTful API server
- flask sessions to track user data within the SPA
Getting Started
Create a local git repository using git clone, then enter "git clone" then enter the project with cd "project1"
To start working on the project
cd project1 then run
Usage and essential requirements
An RDS system or installed on a local machine For remote capabilities:
A running RDS instance to host the database Steps to get it running: Make sure the RDS instance DB has the SQL scripts ran that generate the required tables Populate the tables with user logins needed to access the website