- uTinyRipper
- kanimal SE (KSE)
- Spriter Pro
- Working OS (Windows 10)
Create a folder "ONI Assets" (optional or whatever you want)
Extract uTinyRipper then run uTinyRipper.exe
Open Steam and locate ONI
- Right Click and Click Local Files Tab
- Click Browse Local Files
- Open OxygenNotIncluded_Data folder
- you can do this without steam, in my case the folder is located: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\OxygenNotIncluded\OxygenNotIncluded_Data
- Select all .asset filename you can do this by Holding shift + click
- It will look like this and Press Export
- Extract kanimal SE (KSE) this will generate a folder named Windows.NET.dependent you can rename the folder for easy use.
- For this guide you only look to TextAsset and Texture2d in your extracted asset folder
- We'll make a Red Gas pump
- Open TextAsset folder then find pumpgas_anim.bytes and pumpgas_build.bytes (to search it easily you can use search bar but in my case i just click some file and rapidly pressing p+u+m+p then it will highlight the 1st file with contains pump
- it is safe to copy it to a new folder
- Open Texture2d and find pumpgas_0.png then copy it to your folder with your bytes file
- Press windows key and search for Windows PowerShell run as administrator (optional but better)
- Locate your kanimal folder in my case C:\Users<your-user>\Desktop<your-kanimal-folder>
- if you are stuck, you can check kanimal guide
- go you your pump folder and get the dir location by pressing the dir bar and it will show you the full dir and copy it
- in your Windows PowerShell type in: NOTE: change and
.\kanimal-cli.exe scml C:\Users\<your-user>\Desktop\<your-pump>\pumpgas_0.png C:\Users\<your-user>\Desktop\<your-pump>\pumpgas_anim.bytes C:\Users\<your-user>\Desktop\<your-pump>\pumpgas_build.bytes -o C:\Users\<your-user>\Desktop\<your-pump>\output\
- if you don't set -o or output dir it will auto generate in your kanimal folder where kanimal-cli.exe located
- after you hit enter if will look like this:
- It will fragmented to multiple files or .png and 1 .scml
- from here on you can edit it with your image editor like photoshop
- if you have Spriter you can open the pumpGas.scml and if you want to change some animation
- if you just want to change the skin you can skip renaming all files inside it but its better to rename everything to avoid conflict
- In my case i just rename 3 files (Note: this will be done after scml->kanim)
- scml -> kanim in your Windows PowerShell type in:
.\kanimal-cli.exe kanim pumpGas.scml -o C:\Users\<your-user>\Desktop\<your-pump>\editedoutput\
Make a folder to your solution anim/assets// Note: make sure you made the directory inside VS not in Windows
Open that directory then drag the 3 files
your anim string should be string anim = pumpGas_red_kanim
Credit to my master: Ronivan