
The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.

him-singhvi opened this issue · 4 comments

  1. pip install fastbook

  2. pip install ohmeow-blurr

  3. from fastbook import load_learner

as soon as I run the line number 3 jupyter kernel dies and show below error

I also tried running import fastbook in python terminal it shows me
segmentation fault

but for me on python 3.7 it worked for one server.

you can see from fastai it throws error but from fastbook it worked fine and loaded the model too.
Is it because of python version. I am using 3.8 at the machine where I am having issue.
Please guide,

load_learner is defined in fastai.leaner.

See: https://docs.fast.ai/learner.html#load_learner

Going to close this out if its resolved (or I don't hear anything back). Lmk.