
Setup instructions for Pinata SSH Forward image to use with Docker in local development.

Setup instructions for Pinata SSH Forward image to use with Docker in local development.

Why do I need this?

This is needed to forward your SSH key from host machine inside a Docker container (for example to clone private repos).

Step 1. Prepare your Docker Compose config

This is the minimal configuration of docker-compose.yml:

      SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /ssh-agent/ssh-agent.sock
      - ssh-agent:/ssh-agent
    external: true

Step 2. Make sure your SSH key works without a passphrase and added to SSH Agent

As Docker can't ask you for a passphrase interactively during build process you must be sure that your Github key doesn't require a passphrase.

You may create a separate SSH key for Github if you don't want to remove a passphrase from your primary key.

Make sure SSH Agent can access your Github key (empty output is OK):

$ ssh-add -T ~/.ssh/<key>

If you see something like 'Agent signature failed', add the key to Agent:

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/<key>

And check again.

Step 3. Install and run Docker SSH Agent Forward

The trick is to find a working repository of Pinata SSH Agent. I did it for you, so follow the installation instructions from this repository.

Step 4. Launch and test

Launch Pinata:

$ pinata-ssh-forward
Connection to port 2244 [tcp/nmsserver] succeeded!

Launch docker container and test your key (inside the container):

$ ssh -T git@github.com

If everything is OK, you should see the message:

Hi %username%! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.