Versions numbers are based on our system and may not need to be exact matches.
python 3.6
torch 1.3.1
torchvision 0.4.2
numpy 1.16.4
scipy 1.3.1
pandas 1.0.1
scikit-learn 0.21.2
matplotlib 3.1.0 (plotting)
seaborn 0.10.0 (more plotting)
sdgym 0.1.0 (handling tabular datasets)
autodp 0.1 (privacy analysis)
backpack-for-pytorch 1.0.1 (efficient DP-SGD for DP-MERF+AE)
tensorboardX 1.7 (some logging)
tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0 (DP-CGAN)
contains the code for the tabular experiments
contains code for MNIST and Gaussian data experiments. See code_balanced/
for instructions on how to run the experiments.
contains code from with changes to data-loadingdpgan
contains our implementation of a naive DP-GAN as described in the papergs-wgan
contains code from with edits to data-loading