
Can't download

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I'm getting the following error:

Maciej-Swics-MacBook-Air:wwdc-downloader-master username$ sudo ./wwdcVideoPDFGet-curlVersion.sh -o /Volumes/media/TV/WWDC/ -v -f HD user@host.com
Verbose mode on
Sessions to be downloaded:
Output directory: /Volumes/media/TV/WWDC/
Getting appIDKey...
appIDKey: **********************************
./wwdcVideoPDFGet-curlVersion.sh: line 27: /tmp/wwdc2013.tmp/titles.txt: No such file or directory
******* DOWNLOADING PDF FILES ********
******* DOWNLOADING HD VIDEOS ********

Any ideas? Tried running with sudo with the same result.

Tech-talks download fine, the error happens when i don't specify a type or year

Great you succeed. It's true that I have not really managed wrong parameters.
Sorry for late reply. I just saw your 2 messages.


Envoyé de mon i

Le 19 avr. 2014 à 22:12, Maciej Swic notifications@github.com a écrit :

Tech-talks download fine, the error happens when i don't specify a type or year

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I have the exact same problem as @maciekish : it works for the techtalks but not for WWDC, I got the same error :
line 27: /tmp/wwdc2013.tmp/titles.txt: No such file or directory
I am afraid I don't know enough bash to try to fix it...

Thanks anyway !


Thanx for the issue. I have just checked and Apple have changed the WWDC 2013 video path to 'https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2013/' (adding 2013).
Please update this path at the beginning of the script (line 23).
I'll commit as soon as possible. Can't do it right now.


Youhou !
Thx a lot !

2014-05-11 8:22 GMT+02:00 ohoachuck notifications@github.com:

Thanx for the issue. I have just checked and Apple have changed the WWDC
2013 video path to 'https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2013/'
(adding 2013).
Please update this path at the beginning of the script (line 23).
I'll commit as soon as possible. Can't do it right now.


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/10#issuecomment-42763267

Hi ohoachuck,

Though it seems that you already changed it in your code I'm still getting this very same output. It creates the two directories HD-VIDEOs and PDFs under my specified folder but that's all. I'm using the script like this:

./wwdcVideoPDFGet-curlVersion.sh -y 2013 -e wwdc -f HD -v -o /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Developer\ Videos/Tech\ Talks/ foo@bar.com


Hello Flo,
I'm in the plane for WWDC. Will not be able to Fixe it for the next 24hours. Try to see if your default video path is correct within the script as mentioned in my previous comments.


Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 31 mai 2014 à 08:30, Flo notifications@github.com a écrit :

Hi ohoachuck,

Though it seems that you already changed it in your code I'm still getting this very same output. It creates the two directories HD-VIDEOs and PDFs under my specified folder but that's all. I'm using the script like this:

./wwdcVideoPDFGet-curlVersion.sh -y 2013 -e wwdc -f HD -v -o /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Developer\ Videos/Tech\ Talks/ foo@bar.com


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No problem. Enjoy San Francisco. I envy you a bit. ;-) Last time I've been there was in 2011. Seems like forever.

I'll try to look into it later today. Maybe I can figure it out myself.

Thanks again!

Sent from my iPad

On 31.05.2014, at 12:25, ohoachuck notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello Flo,
I'm in the plane for WWDC. Will not be able to Fixe it for the next 24hours. Try to see if your default video path is correct within the script as mentioned in my previous comments.


Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 31 mai 2014 à 08:30, Flo notifications@github.com a écrit :

Hi ohoachuck,

Though it seems that you already changed it in your code I'm still getting this very same output. It creates the two directories HD-VIDEOs and PDFs under my specified folder but that's all. I'm using the script like this:

./wwdcVideoPDFGet-curlVersion.sh -y 2013 -e wwdc -f HD -v -o /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Developer\ Videos/Tech\ Talks/ foo@bar.com


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Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Hello Flohey,
I have just seen that the issue you have is not an issue with the script but with Apple web site. For some reason, HD videos are not available anymore for 2013. You can easily verify that by going to the site here (https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2013/) and try to download by hand an "HD" version of a video.
I'm enjoying for you WWDC 2014 and thinking of all of you that could not be there, I have updated the script to retrieve 2014 "cuvée". This years videos are available as of the day of presentation. So enjoy.
Don't hesitate to shout if you encounter a major bug (minor would be find as long as we can bulk download everything).

Olivier (_oho).