
Bash environment multi-account switching for aws

Primary LanguageShell


A tool for repeating operations over multiple aws accounts (and in future, regions)


Awswrapper is a wrapper for running various aws command-line utilities over multiple aws accounts. It also has (read "will have very soon") support for repeating tasks over multiple aws regions as well.

For instance, say you wanted to use the Amazon provided Java cli application 'ec2-describe-vpcs' over a set of production and development accounts. Rather than copying and pasting your access keys for each account, you can simply have these credentials exported as:


and run

awsw -a dev prod -c ec2-describe-vpcs

(provided you've already supplied the other 11 million environment variables it asks for). Awswrapper will loop over those accounts, substituting these variables in as AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY (and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) before running the given command.

You can also access these variables by including \$AWS_ACCESS_KEY in the command, for example. As it's called through an eval, the variable gets interpolated and will evaluate in a subshell with the variable set.

I've written most of the code for iterating over region as well, but I needed the account features most myself so I did them first :)


I get really fed up of repeatedly setting my variables or copying my access keys when trying to keep all environments across accounts uniform

It should help make auditing more painless.


Securing your credentials in a safe yet accessible way is your own lookout - this code doesn't even vaguely touch that :)

Also I make no guarantee that it won't blow up your house.


Patches welcome, but write tests! If you run make test for the first time, the Makefile will clone down https://github.com/sstephenson/bats which is a basic testing framework for bash.