
Follow the instructions to get the project running (starts in project root)

  1. copy .env.example as .env and fill in your values
  2. cd docker
  3. docker compose --env-file ../.env up
  4. docker exec -it logio-product-cs-app bash
  5. (in container bash) composer install
  6. Go to localhost::8000 in browser, log in as root with password in line with .env DB_PASSWORD and create dabases in line with .env SQL_DATABASE_NAME and ES_DATABASE_NAME, respectively.
  7. (in container bash) php create_tables.php
  8. Go to localhost::3000/index.php?product=PRODUCT_ID, where PRODUCT_ID is integer between 1 and 4, in browser.

In case it doesn't work step by step, apologies, it's frankly my first time using Docker in a project and "It works on my machine(tm)". Please don't hesitate to ask on