
Tool to create Greybus manifest blobs from a source config file

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


A simple tool to generate a Greybus manifest blob from a Git config style syntax input file.

Provided under BSD license. See LICENSE for details.


export GOPATH=.../go

go get code.google.com/p/gcfg


go run manifesto.go test.mnfs

Generates test.mnfb in same directory as source file


To generate a binary:

go build manifesto.go

and run as:

./manifesto test.mnfs


Simple I2C Module

; Simple I2C Module Manifest

version-major = 0
version-minor = 1

vendor = 0xdead
product = 0xbeef
version = 1
vendor-string-id = 1
product-string-id = 2
serial-number = 0

; I2C function on CPort 1
[function-descriptor "0"]
cport = 1
function-type = 0x07

; Module vendor string (id can't be 0)
[string-descriptor "0"]
id = 1
string = "Project Ara"

; Module product string (id can't be 0)
[string-descriptor "1"]
id = 2
string = "Simple I2C Module"

; CPort 1
[cport-descriptor "1"]
id = 1

Build Simple I2C Module manifest blob

go run manifesto.go examples/simple-i2c-module.mnfs