
create one and only link for every post for hexo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


npm npm npm

A Hexo plugin to generate static post link based on title and data in the post front.

This plugin supports .textbundle -- a file format contents markdown and its assets. Actually, .textbundle file is a folder which shows like a file in Finder on macOS.


https://github.com/rozbo/hexo-abbrlink2, supports the orderly growth of ID is beta now. The working principle of hexo-abbrlink2 is different from this plug-in, not as an upgraded version of this plugin, they are different individuals. But hexo-abbrlink2 is compatible with the previous configuration of this plugin. As a supplement to this plugin, use it only when you really need an orderly growing id.

How to install

Add plugin to Hexo:

npm install hexo-abbrlink --save

Modify permalink in config.yml file:

permalink: posts/:abbrlink/ 
# or
permalink: posts/:abbrlink.html

Configs in _config.yml:

# abbrlink config
  alg: crc32      # Algorithm used to calc abbrlink. Support crc16(default) and crc32
  rep: hex        # Representation of abbrlink in URLs. Support dec(default) and hex
  drafts: false   # Whether to generate abbrlink for drafts. (false in default)
  force: false    # Enable force mode. In this mode, the plugin will ignore the cache, and calc the abbrlink for every post even it already had an abbrlink. (false in default)
  writeback: true # Whether to write changes to front-matters back to the actual markdown files. (true in default)


The generated link will look like the following:

crc16 & hex

crc16 & dec
crc32 & hex

crc32 & dec

More info

see this(Chinese)




The project is develop by JetBrains Ide