
Attempts at benchmarking Skytable with the others to see where we stand

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Skytable Benchmarks

The goal here is to see how Skytable, which is primarily in-memory but instead of simple commands uses an actual query language (BlueQL) stacks up against in-memory key/value stores like Redis (which is inherently single threaded except for I/O threads) and KeyDB (which is multi-threaded).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Skytable has an actual query language BlueQL while others don't. This means Skytable does way more work than the key/value stores which use commands!


Benchmark graphs

Results conclusion

Even with a complete query language, Skytable is as fast, or faster than popular key/value stores (which use simple commands and do not have a query language).


  • Redis is red
  • KeyDB is orange
  • Skytable is blue


Future planned benchmarks:

  • Dragonfly
  • Aerospike
  • MongoDB
  • ArangoDB

Future planned implementation:

  • Automated benches and report generation
  • Benchmark matrix so that you can benchmark one database against another, as you choose! Compatible commands/queries would be automatically generated

Future planned VM benches:

  • Bench against multiple AWS+GCP+Azure VM types
  • Bench across x86_64 and ARM64

Benchmark setup

  • Here's what we'll do:
    • We'll start up each server with the ability to use multi-threads (or io-threads) and set this to the number of available logical CPU cores (for example a processor might have 6 cores but with HT can run 12 threads so we go with 12)
    • For each CRD operation, we'll run 1,000,000 queries for a total of 4M queries.

      Why not UPDATEs? Unfortunately, there's no SQL equivalent of an UPDATE in Redis/KeyDB. So, we skip it for now.

    • We'll run a CRUD sequence:
      • For simple key/value stores:
        • SET <7 digit key> <1 byte value>
        • GET <7 digit key>
        • DEL <7 digit key>
      • For Skytable:
        • INSERT INTO mymodel(<7 digit key>, <1 byte value>)
        • SELECT pw FROM mymodel WHERE un = <7 digit key>
        • DELETE FROM mymodel WHERE un = <7 digit key>
  • Benchmark machine:
    • The benchmarking machine has:
      • a 6C/12T configuration
      • 32GB RAM
      • Base clock: 2.7Ghz, Turbo: 4.5 Ghz
      • Arch: Intel x86_64 (manufacturer is also Intel)
      • Tiger Lake CPU (11th Generation)
    • OS:
      • Ubuntu 22.04
      • Kernel: 5.19.0-42-generic
      • Governor: performance (checking cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)
    • Database versions:
      • Skytable v0.8.0-beta
      • Redis master (991aff1)
      • KeyDB master (674d9fb)

How the benchmarks were run

  • Skytable:
    • Server started with skyd <rootpass>
    • Benchmark tool run with varying values for <connections>: sky-bench --password <rootpass> --connections <connections>
  • Redis and KeyDB:
    • Server started with redis-server --io-threads=12 and keydb-server --io-threads=12
    • Benchmark tool run for different tests (-t each for get and set) like this: redis-benchmark --threads 12 -n 1000000 -d 7 -t <testname> -c <connections>


This project is distributed under the MIT License.