an environmental engineer who knows a smattering of things about coding but deeply delighted to keep up and grow
Pinned Repositories
Документація реалізованого проєкту ГБ-2020 м. Києва №1300 (https://gb.kyivcity.gov.ua/projects/11/1300) автоматизованої мережі моніторингу якості повітря міста, з режимом роботи 24/7/365 - AirZOOM (https://protw.github.io/azreal/#/media/README)
This is a students' team project dedicated to the creation of a full-stack project of the bookstore website with the educational purpose.
An analysis on Horizon 2020 projects imported from the CORDIS database. The work explores the NLP bag of words model within a heuristic approach to analyse a corpus of the 'description' field and some numerical parameters of the database for generalisation and allocation of methods, approaches, and decisions addressed within the projects.
management of *.idf files exported from Design Builder in Eppy scripting language available in Python for EnergyPlus simulation engine
Simplified realization of MapReduce algorithm workflow which tokenizes input *.txt file. Output creates a text file, which contains each token and its count.
A project dedicated to the conversion of lightweight markup language Markdown to HTML code. Applied as one of an attempt to take content from Trello and put it as HTML
Short task of custom problem solving, aimed to create visualisation map of pandas DataFrame (by two layers: number of projects per country, and point of project location) from Smart Cities Marketplace platform.
Android Studio educational project to develop application for restaurant orders management. Designed for Android, with functionality to manage tables (for waitress), and make orders (for customers).
ohusiev's Repositories
Android Studio educational project to develop application for restaurant orders management. Designed for Android, with functionality to manage tables (for waitress), and make orders (for customers).
Документація реалізованого проєкту ГБ-2020 м. Києва №1300 (https://gb.kyivcity.gov.ua/projects/11/1300) автоматизованої мережі моніторингу якості повітря міста, з режимом роботи 24/7/365 - AirZOOM (https://protw.github.io/azreal/#/media/README)
This is a students' team project dedicated to the creation of a full-stack project of the bookstore website with the educational purpose.
An analysis on Horizon 2020 projects imported from the CORDIS database. The work explores the NLP bag of words model within a heuristic approach to analyse a corpus of the 'description' field and some numerical parameters of the database for generalisation and allocation of methods, approaches, and decisions addressed within the projects.
management of *.idf files exported from Design Builder in Eppy scripting language available in Python for EnergyPlus simulation engine
Simplified realization of MapReduce algorithm workflow which tokenizes input *.txt file. Output creates a text file, which contains each token and its count.
A project dedicated to the conversion of lightweight markup language Markdown to HTML code. Applied as one of an attempt to take content from Trello and put it as HTML
Short task of custom problem solving, aimed to create visualisation map of pandas DataFrame (by two layers: number of projects per country, and point of project location) from Smart Cities Marketplace platform.