Pixray is an image generation system. It combines previous ideas including:
- Perception Engines which uses image augmentation and iteratively optimises images against an ensemble of classifiers
- CLIP guided GAN imagery from Ryan Murdoch and Katherine Crowson as well as modifictions such as CLIPDraw from Kevin Frans
- Useful ways of navigating latent space from Sampling Generative Networks
- (more to come)
pixray it itself a python library and command line utility, but is also friendly to running on line in Google Colab notebooks.
The system is currently lacking documentation. Instead plese checkout THE DEMO NOTEBOOKS - especially the super simple "Start Here" colab or join in the discussion on discord.
Pixray can be run in Docker using Cog.
First, install Docker and Cog, then you can use cog run
to run Pixray inside Docker. For example:
cog run python pixray.py --drawer=pixel --prompt=sunrise --output myfile.png