
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

📗 Table of Contents

📖 My Blog App

The Blog app will be a classic example of a blog website. It is a Microverse project where they required me to create a fully functional website that will show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

Ruby On Rails

Key Features

  • Add User, Post, Like & Comment
  • List all User, Post, Like & Comment

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💻 Getting Started

How to get started and make use of this project.

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this project you need:

Visual Studio Code


Clone this repository to your desired folder

cd your-folder
git clone https://github.com/ohyajk/my-blog-app.git
cd my-blog-app


Install all dependencies to this project with:

bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate


To run the project, execute the following command:

rails server

Run tests

To run tests, run the following command:

rspec spec


You can use any deployment service to deploy the application.

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👥 Authors

👤 Jitender Kumar

👤 Chukwuma Paul Mosanya

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🔭 Future Features

  • Add Views in App

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project, please leave a ⭐️

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🙏 Acknowledgments

I would like to thank Microverse for providing the reading materials that aided me during the project development

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  • Can I use this code?

    • yes, it is open source. Feel free to fork it.
  • Can I contribute to this project?

    • Contact me so I can add you as a collaborator. Alternatively you can leave an issue, it will be well appreciated.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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