crackLockables for Epoch

This will allow players to crack codes on doors, safes and lockboxes


  1. Please, if you report issues can you please attach (on pastebin or similar) your CLIENT rpt log file as this helps find out the errors very quickly. To find this logfile:

    C:\users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Arma 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT


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  • This install basically assumes you have a custom variables.sqf, compiles.sqf and fn_selfActions.sqf.

** If not, visit this repo and follow the steps there**

Mission folder install:

  1. Open your fn_selfactions.sqf and search for:

    // ZSC
    if (Z_singleCurrency) then {

    Add this code lines above:

    if (_hasHotwireKit && {((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockedStorage) && {_characterID != "0"}) || {_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_DoorsLocked}}) then {
    	if (s_crackLockables < 0) then {
    		s_crackLockables = player addAction [format["<t color='#0059FF'>%1</t>",format [localize "STR_CL_CRL_CRACK",_text]],"scripts\crackLockables.sqf",_cursorTarget,0,false,true];
    } else {
    	player removeAction s_crackLockables;
    	s_crackLockables = -1;
  2. In fn_selfactions search for this codeblock:

    player removeAction s_bank_dialog3;
    s_bank_dialog3 = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_checkWallet;
    s_player_checkWallet = -1;	

    And add this below:

    player removeAction s_crackLockables;
    s_crackLockables = -1;	
  3. Open your variables.sqf and search for:

    s_bank_dialog3 = -1;
    s_player_checkWallet = -1;	

    And add this below:

    s_crackLockables = -1;	
  4. Copy the scripts folder from the repo to your mission folder.

  5. This relies on my companion functions on my github Here and my fnc_log function Here

dayz_server install:

  1. Copy the dayz_server\compile\server_crackLockables.sqf file from the repo to your dayz_server\compile folder

  2. In your dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf file, find this line:

    spawn_vehicles = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\spawn_vehicles.sqf";

    Add the following after it:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_crackLockables.sqf";

Battleye filters:

  1. In your config\Battleye\publicVariable.txt on line 2: 5 !=remEx(Field|FP) add this to the end of it:


    So it will then look like this for example:

    5 !=remEx(Field|FP) <CUT> !=sk_crackLockables

Old Releases:

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