
Workflow to align long read fastq files to a reference genome

Primary LanguageWDL


Workflow to align the fastq file to a reference genome





java -jar cromwell.jar run minimap2.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
ref String the reference file name used for alignment
fastqFile File a fastq file to be aligned

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
outputFileNamePrefix String basename(basename(fastqFile,".gz"),".fastq") Variable used to set the name of the outputfile
additionalParameters String? None Additional parameters to be added to the minimap2 command

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
align.minimap2 String "minimap2" minimap2 module name to use.
align.modules String "minimap2/2.17" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution.
align.memory Int 31 Memory (in GB) allocated for job.
align.timeout Int 24 Runtime for the job in hours.
sam2Bam.samtools String "samtools" samtools module name to use.
sam2Bam.modules String "samtools/1.9"
sam2Bam.memory Int 31 Memory (in GB) allocated for job.
sam2Bam.timeout Int 24 Runtime for the job in hours.


Output Type Description
bam File output of samtools in .bam format
bamIndex File index of the bam file

Niassa + Cromwell

This WDL workflow is wrapped in a Niassa workflow (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/pipedev/tree/master/pipedev-niassa-cromwell-workflow) so that it can used with the Niassa metadata tracking system (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/niassa).

  • Building
mvn clean install
  • Testing
mvn clean verify -Djava_opts="-Xmx1g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication" -DrunTestThreads=2 -DskipITs=false -DskipRunITs=false -DworkingDirectory=/path/to/tmp/ -DschedulingHost=niassa_oozie_host -DwebserviceUrl=http://niassa-url:8080 -DwebserviceUser=niassa_user -DwebservicePassword=niassa_user_password -Dcromwell-host=http://cromwell-url:8000


For support, please file an issue on the Github project or send an email to gsi@oicr.on.ca .

Generated with wdl_doc_gen (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/wdl_doc_gen/)