is a zero dependency module that allows running tasks in specific intervals waiting until the previous has has finished
npm install --save interval-beat
has a pretty short simple code, the easiest way would be to just read through it
const intervalBeat = require('interval-beat')
// configuration, not required
logger: someLogger, // some standard logger that follows the (.debug(), .error()), if set to null errors would be swallowed, default is console
// add task using a callback to signal you're done
callback: (previousArgs, done) => {
// do some stuff here
// we're done
// or optionally pass arugments for the next iteration
done({ foo: 'bar' })
// or throw an error instead
done(new Error('an error has occured'))
interval: 5000 // interval time in ms
// add task using a promise to signal you're done
callback: (previousArgs) => {
// do some stuff here
// we're done
return Promise.resolve()
// or optionally pass arugments for the next iteration
return Promise.resolve({ foo: 'bar' })
// or throw an error instead
return Promise.reject(new Error('an error has occured'))
interval: 5000 // interval time in ms
// can also add multiple tasks by passing an array
intervalBeat.add([taskProperties, taskProperties])
// options for task
callback: () => {}
onError: (err) => {}, // call this if an error was returned by callback
interval: 5000, // interval time in ms
waitFinished: false, // run beat in actual interval, without waiting for the previous beat to finish, like a regular cron job, default is true
throwError: true, // throws an unhandled error if any error happens during a task, default is false
// removing tasks
const id = intervalBeat.add(...)
// removing a task by a property
name: 'foo'
callback: () => {},
intervalBeat.removeByProperty('name', 'foo')
License: MIT