In this project, we created our own printf function _printf.
✒️ Definition Printf:
Printf is a function.
Formatted output conversion.
The function printf() produces output according to a format as described below. The function printf() - formatted output conversion, the printf function writes output to stdout, the standard output stream. >This function works with the <std.arg> for call a list of arguments.
Upon successful return, this function returns the number of characters printed (excluding the null byte used to end output to strings). If an output error is encountered, a negative value is returned.
A character that specifies the type of conversion to be applied. The conversion specifiers and their meanings are d, i(integers), c (convert an unsigned char), s (string), b (convert an unsigned int to binary), u (printed an unsigned int), o (convert an unsigned int to octal notation), x, X (convert an unsigned int to hexadecimal notation in lower and uppercase respectively), and %(is written, no argument is converted).
To use the formating options, specifier should be preceded by %. e.g: _printf("This is a test %d", integer);
## | File | Description |
1 | | this file contains the specifiacion of the project |
2 | _printf.c | This file contains the printf function to our project |
3 | Holberton.h | this file contains the headers file. It includes the guards, prototipes and definition of the structure |
4 | functions.c | This file include the functions: _putchar, _printc, _print_s. |
5 | print_number.c | This file include the functions to convert a integer number. |
6 | print_binary.c | This file include the functions to convert a decimal number to a binary number. |
7 | _print_o.c | This file include the functions to convert a decimal number to a octal number. |
8 | _print_u.c | This file include the functions to convert a decimal number to a unsigned number. |
9 | _print_x.c | This file include the functions to convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number in lowercase. |
10 | _print_X.c | This file include the functions to convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number in uppercase. |
11 | 3-man_printf.c | This file include the man page of _printf(3) function. |