
This repository will serve as the content hub for our 2022 summit video "Operate First In Action"

Operate First in Action!

Click on the picture below! and watch our video from Red Hat Summit 2022 to see Operate First in Action!

video thumbnail https://youtu.be/sfjAr5EI2ww

What is Operate First?

Open source has become the defining way of developing software. But how do we apply the principles of Open Source to operations and data? Operate First is a concept to incorporate operational experience into software projects.

Users, developers and operators collaborate on long running projects, services and tooling to explore the future of Open Source in the age of scale. They do so in a community supported open cloud environment, the Operate First Community Cloud


Go to the Operate First website to learn about this community in detail and how you can get involved!

Some Operate First Projects in Action!

Follow the journey of a data scientist, who wants to share their experiments in a cloud environment. Using the services provided by the Operate First Community Cloud, they built a solution - not in isolation - but with re-usability in mind and early user exposure. That solution evolved into a feature, which contributed to OpenDataHub.io, and was finally used as a key component for a complex and cross-product demonstration, to be revealed during a session at Red Hat Summit.

Now you can relive that story. Follow along below - or skip right to the action

Project Meteor


Project Meteor automates creation of interactive environments alongside publication-quality static content for data-science oriented repositories.

It works as an integrated, single tool allowing users to explore and test drive services, tools, and emerging technologies for developing intelligent applications.

It leverages knowledge obtained by members of Red Hat's Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AICoE) when developing and presenting their analysis on various topic. This knowledge is encoded into Tekton pipelines which are ready to be used in a public environment of Operate First Cloud. It allows users to bring their analysis stored in git repository into a Open Data Hub environment, ready to be worked on as well as presented to their peers and stakeholders as a JupyterBook website deployment.

Learn more at https://github.com/AICoE/meteor#project-meteor or give it a try right now https://shower.meteor.zone/

Project meteor is packaged as an Operator Framework operator, ready to be deployed to any OLM compatible cluster.

Bring Your Own Notebook (BYON)

The Bring Your Own Notebook service introduces a functionality that allows admins and users to bring their own notebook images and easily spin up reproducible notebook environments that can be shared with others.

By using the URL to your notebook image, you can easily spawn up a Jupyterhub environment suitable to run that notebook which allows others to reproduce your experiments with a click of a button.

Through a working group which implements the BYON feature on the open Operate First cloud, the goal is to introduce this to the Open Data Hub project and ultimately introduce this as a feature into Red Hat OpenShift Data Science.

ML @ the Edge

Check out the Emerging technologies integration demo for ML at the edge here!

In this demo we walk through how to manage a machine learning application's lifecycle on an edge device using a couple of projects developed by Red Hat's Emerging Technologies group. Specifically, Open Data Hub, Microshift and Meteor running on the Operate First Community cloud.

The goal of this project is to demonstrate the development, training and deployment of a real intelligent edge device, an autonomous RV car, via the Operate First community cloud.


What Now?


Want to try this out for yourself?


  • Once the notebook image is built, you will be able to select the Open as JupyterHub option to access the Operate First JupyterHub Spawner page and select the notebook image associated with your meteor.


  • After the notebook environment loads, you are ready to start experimenting!


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Bring your Interest! Bring your Problems to solve! Bring your Own Notebook ;-)

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