Deep bidirectional recurrent net for opinion mining (code for EMNLP14 paper)
- askenderanwen
- basveelingAI4Science @ Microsoft Research
- bgyssIlludic, Inc.
- BollegalaUniversity of Liverpool / University of Tokyo
- buaaswfBeijing China
- canadaduane@relm-us
- catmonkeylee
- darrengarveyCambridge, UK
- denisfitz57
- dhmspector@TheZeitgeist (Zeitgeist Information Systems, LLC)
- dimmuUCL/NIMR/a few others
- e9t@UpstageAI
- elviswfDNV
- feiyacz
- jiangfeng1124AWS AI Lab; MIT-CSAIL
- jimdi@Technologiya
- jyuhuanUniversity of Pittsburgh
- lavizhaoITNLP lab from HIT, China
- lmh1020lmh
- lorashen
- malcolmgreaves@NVIDIA
- minglooBeijing, China
- mohapsUSA
- muyinanhai阿里巴巴
- napsternxg@twitter-research
- shuokayHorizon Robotics
- smartinsightsfromdata
- srephoAllianz
- stvhanna
- sunsocool
- tigerneilCenter for Safe AGI
- tjflexic
- VinGorilla
- vishnuvaradaraj
- wuhabiBaidu
- yzgysjrACM Class, Shanghai Jiao Tong U