
A powerful reflection module for powershell.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


(build CI is broken, apologies)

Build status



Here you'll find examples of how to peek and poke objects using the Poke module.

Version History

  • 1.1.2 - fixes sort alias clash on *nix (thanks @fsackur)
  • 1.1 - adds support for invoking methods with ref/out parameters ([ref])
  • 1.0.2 - readonly fields are now settable like regular fields
  • 1.0.1 - Compatibility fixes for v3 beta / .net 4.5
  • 1.0 - Initial release


# peek at a Job instance using pipeline syntax
$job = start-job { 42 } | peek
$job | get-member

which results in the new extended output format for get-member:


Name                            Modifier  MemberType Definition
----                            --------  ---------- ----------
Equals                          public    Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode                     public    Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType                         public    Method     type GetType()
CheckDisconnectedAndUpdateState private   Method*    void CheckDisconnectedAndUpdateState(System....
CommonInit                      private   Method*    void CommonInit(int throttleLimit, System.Co...
ConnectJob                      internal  Method*    void ConnectJob(guid runspaceInstanceId)
ConnectJobs                     internal  Method*    void ConnectJobs()
ConstructLocation               private   Method*    string ConstructLocation()
Dispose                         protected Method*    void Dispose(bool disposing)
FindDisconnectedChildJob        private   Method*    System.Management.Automation.PSRemotingChild...
GetAssociatedPowerShellObject   internal  Method*    powershell GetAssociatedPowerShellObject(gui...
GetJobsForComputer              internal  Method*    System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Manag...
GetJobsForOperation             internal  Method*    System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Manag...
GetJobsForRunspace              internal  Method*    System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Manag...
GetRunspaces                    internal  Method*    System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[Sy...
HandleChildJobStateChanged      private   Method*    void HandleChildJobStateChanged(System.Objec...
HandleJobUnblocked              private   Method*    void HandleJobUnblocked(System.Object sender...
InternalStopJob                 internal  Method*    void InternalStopJob()
SetStatusMessage                private   Method*    void SetStatusMessage()
StopJob                         public    Method*    void StopJob()
SubmitAndWaitForConnect         private   Method*    void SubmitAndWaitForConnect(System.Collecti...
ToString                        public    Method*    string ToString()
__GetBaseObject                 -         Method*    System.Management.Automation.PSRemotingJob, ...
__GetModuleInfo                 -         Method*    psmoduleinfo __GetModuleInfo()
atleastOneChildJobFailed        private   Field*     bool atleastOneChildJobFailed
blockedChildJobsCount           private   Field*     int blockedChildJobsCount
CanDisconnect                   internal  Property*  bool CanDisconnect { get; set; }
disconnectedChildJobsCount      private   Field*     int disconnectedChildJobsCount
finishedChildJobsCount          private   Field*     int finishedChildJobsCount
HasMoreData                     public    Property*  bool HasMoreData { get; set; }
HideComputerName                internal  Property*  bool HideComputerName { get; set; }
isDisposed                      private   Field*     bool isDisposed
Location                        public    Property*  string Location { get; set; }
moreData                        private   Field*     bool moreData
StatusMessage                   public    Property*  string StatusMessage { get; set; }
throttleManager                 private   Field*     System.Management.Automation.Remoting.Thrott...
_stopIsCalled                   private   Field*     bool _stopIsCalled
_syncObject                     private   Field*     System.Object _syncObject

You can call methods, set fields and properties (if they have setters - it doesn't matter if they're private, protected or internal.)

You can proxy Types as well as instances:

# proxy a public type by piping it
$type = [text.stringbuilder] | peek
   TypeName: Pokeable.System.RuntimeType#System.Text.StringBuilder

Name             Modifier MemberType Definition
----             -------- ---------- ----------
Equals           public   Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode      public   Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType          public   Method     type GetType()
FormatError      private  Method*    static void FormatError()
ThreadSafeCopy   private  Method*    static void ThreadSafeCopy(System.Char*, mscorlib, Version=4...
ToString         public   Method*    string ToString()
__CreateInstance -        Method*    .ctor (), .ctor (int capacity), .ctor (string value), .ctor ...
__GetBaseObject  -        Method*    type __GetBaseObject()
__GetModuleInfo  -        Method*    psmoduleinfo __GetModuleInfo()
CapacityField    private  Field*     string CapacityField
DefaultCapacity  internal Field*     int DefaultCapacity
MaxCapacityField private  Field*     string MaxCapacityField
MaxChunkSize     internal Field*     int MaxChunkSize
StringValueField private  Field*     string StringValueField
ThreadIDField    private  Field*     string ThreadIDField

Peeking at non-public types:

# nonpublic types can't be specified using type literal
# syntax, so in this case you should use the -name parameter
$type = peek -name MS.Internal.Xml.XPath.XPathParser

# nonpublic objects returned from methods, properties or fields
# are not "peeked" themselves, so you may need to peek the return value:
$manager = peek (start-job { 42 } | peek).throttlemanager
$manager.throttlelimit = 64 # bump throttle limit ;)

Of course, you can peek instances too:

$sb = new-object system.text.stringbuilder
$proxy = peek $sb
$proxy | gm
   TypeName: Pokeable.System.Text.StringBuilder#45f12364-1906-45b3-b48b-a77acd81e3f0

Name                                                     Modifier MemberType Definition
----                                                     -------- ---------- ----------
GetHashCode                                              public   Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType                                                  public   Method     type GetType()
Append                                                   public   Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
AppendFormat                                             public   Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
AppendHelper                                             private  Method*    void AppendHelper(st...
AppendLine                                               public   Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
Clear                                                    public   Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
CopyTo                                                   public   Method*    void CopyTo(int sour...
EnsureCapacity                                           public   Method*    int EnsureCapacity(i...
Equals                                                   public   Method*    bool Equals(System.T...
ExpandByABlock                                           private  Method*    void ExpandByABlock(...
FindChunkForByte                                         private  Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
FindChunkForIndex                                        private  Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
Insert                                                   public   Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
InternalCopy                                             internal Method*    void InternalCopy(Sy...
MakeRoom                                                 private  Method*    void MakeRoom(int in...
Next                                                     private  Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
Remove                                                   private  Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
Replace                                                  public   Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
ReplaceAllInChunk                                        private  Method*    void ReplaceAllInChu...
ReplaceBufferAnsiInternal                                internal Method*    void ReplaceBufferAn...
ReplaceBufferInternal                                    internal Method*    void ReplaceBufferIn...
ReplaceInPlaceAtChunk                                    private  Method*    void ReplaceInPlaceA...
StartsWith                                               private  Method*    bool StartsWith(Syst...
System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData private  Method*    void System.Runtime....
ToString                                                 public   Method*    string ToString()
VerifyClassInvariant                                     private  Method*    void VerifyClassInva...
__GetBaseObject                                          -        Method*    System.Text.StringBu...
__GetModuleInfo                                          -        Method*    psmoduleinfo __GetMo...
Capacity                                                 public   Property*  int Capacity { get; ...
Chars                                                    public   Property*  char Chars { get; se...
Length                                                   public   Property*  int Length { get; se...
MaxCapacity                                              public   Property*  int MaxCapacity { ge...
m_ChunkChars                                             internal Field*     char[] m_ChunkChars
m_ChunkLength                                            internal Field*     int m_ChunkLength
m_ChunkOffset                                            internal Field*     int m_ChunkOffset
m_ChunkPrevious                                          internal Field*     System.Text.StringBu...
m_MaxCapacity                                            internal Field*     int m_MaxCapacity

Have fun!