Public Service API

This service will communicate with internal microservices

Table of Contents


This service is responsible for the communication between UI and subscription-service.


  • Microservice architecture
  • BackEnd for the frontend design
  • An aggregator service
    • Validate request from user
    • Forward request to subscription service
    • Forward response to user from subscription service or different downstreams


The application can be run locally. Containerization is in progress


Quick Start

Make sure your maven is pointing to JAVA_HOME and JAVA_HOME is set to Java16 JDK

The subscription service host value in the application.yml file is set to http://localhost:9090.

Run Local

If your JAVA_HOME is set to Java16 JDK

$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar target/public-service-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

For multiple JDK issue

$ JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-16.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home
$ export JAVA_HOME
$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar target/public-service-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Application will run by default on port 8080

Configure the port by changing server.port in application.yml


After running the application you'll get the documentation in swagger-ui and open-api docs


  • Reactive way of coding
  • Containerization
  • Integration with CICD i.e. jenkins / rancher
  • Metrics Expose
  • Integration with jaeger / slueth / opentelemetry for better traceability
  • Integration with metrics collector i.e. prometheus
  • Integration with ELK stack
  • Integration with grafana for better visibility, observability and alerts
  • 100% Unit test code coverage
  • Integration test
  • Automation testing or behavioral testing i.e. RobotFramework, Selenium