
Photo and video blog using IMAP server to fetch new material.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Kickass image and photo blog that can be used for recording all those memorable (drunken) moments with your best friends and buddies. All you need is an IMAP mailbox and its email address and you are ready to start.


Install dependencies

The server is tested to run correctly on Mac OS X 10.8 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Mac OS X

brew install node
brew install exiftool
brew install graphicsmagick
brew install libav --with-libvo-aacenc
brew install qtfaststart

Ubuntu 12.04

# Install Node.js
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties python g++ make
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs

# Install image processing dependencies
sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick

# Unfortunately the Ubuntu 12.04 libav-tools is buggy and crashes
# We need to download the ffmpeg version from their PPA repository
# This stage might not be necessary for newer Ubuntu versions
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg
sudo apt-get update

# Install video processing dependencies and sqlite client
sudo apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra-53
sudo apt-get install sqlite3

Configure the server

cd imakes/
npm install
cp config.js.sample config.js
vim config.js # Edit all the marked fields
vim db/users.sql # Modify the user login information

Initializing the database

cat db/schema.sql | sqlite3 imakes.db
cat db/users.sql | sqlite3 imakes.db

Alternatively restore from backups

tar xzvf imakes.tgz
mv imakes.db.bak imakes.db
sqlite3 imakes.db "UPDATE message SET processed = 0"

Finally run the server

node server


The JSON API consists of the following endpoints:

Direct access endpoints

GET /api/user/                    - returns a list of all users on the system
GET /api/user/{userid}            - returns information of a single user
GET /api/user/{userid}/favorite/  - returns a list of all messages favorited by the user
GET /api/message/                 - returns a list of all messages in the database
GET /api/message/{msgid}          - returns information of a single message

Favorite modification endpoints

POST /api/user/{userid}/favorite/{msgid}   - adds a message to user favorites, if already exists does nothing
DELETE /api/user/{userid}/favorite/{msgid} - removes a message from user favorites, if not existing does nothing

Message search endpoints

GET /api/search/favorites           - searches messages favorited at least by one user
GET /api/search/favorites/{userid}  - searches messages favorited by a certain user (sorted from latest favorite to oldest)
GET /api/search/messages            - search from all messages in the database
GET /api/search/images              - search only messages containing at least one image
GET /api/search/videos              - search only messages containing at least one video

Message search query parameters

All of these use a common format in query parameters:

key={word1} {word2}

The timestamps are in number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC (Unix Epoch) and from is inclusive whereas until is exclusive. Limit and offset are numbers, limit is the maximum number of results and offset is an offset from the beginning of the result list. As per SQL semantics, offset can only be specified if limit is set to some number, otherwise it is simply ignored.

The search keywords can be any words and are handled in case insensitive way. They search from the message title, message author and timestamp fields where timestamp is in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ format. Partial words are matched and if multiple keywords are specified, only messages that match all the words are included.

The metadata_contains parameter can include several metadata fields that are to be fetched. For example metadata_contains=CreateDate,GPSPosition|GPSCoordinates searches for messages that have at least one attachment whose metadata contains both CreateDate and either GPSPosition or GPSCoordinates fields. It is worth to note that since metadata is not indexed in the database, these query parameters are considerably slower than any other query parameters and should be used sparingly.

The order_by parameter can contain a list of order parameters in the format field_(asc|desc). Supported fields are id, title, author, timestamp and favorited the default being always id_asc, except for favorites by user search where the default is favorite timestamp only relevant for that particular search query. The field favorited refers to the number of people that have favorited a particular message and the field id refers to the growing ID number of the messages. If only field name is specified or the sorting order is unknown, then asc is always used as the default. If multiple order_by parameters are given, the first ones will always have higher precedence than the latter ones.

Message search results

Search results are always in the same format from all endpoints:

  "query": {
    "param1": "value1",
    "param2": "value2"
  "totalMessages": {number},
  "messages: [

The query object contains the parameters of the query that were actually used in constructing the corresponding result. The totalMessages field contains the number of messages in case no order or limit parameters would have been given. This is useful for example if one wants to implement paging and know the number of total pages. The messages array finally contains the resulting messages with the requested ordering.


The project is licensed under LGPLv2.1