Ecto auditing library that transparently tracks changes and can revert them.
ExAudit plugs right into your ecto repositories and hooks all the data mutating Ecto.Repo functions to track changes to entities in your database.
- Wraps Ecto.Repo, no need to change your existing codebase to start tracking changes
- Creates +- diffs of the casted structs. Custom types are automatically supported.
- Ships with functions to review the history of a struct and roll back changes
- Allows custom ID types and custom fields in the version schema
- Tracks associated entities when they're created, updated or deleted in a single Repo call
- Recursively tracks cascading deletions
ExAudit replaces some functions in your repo module:
All changes to the database made with these functions will automatically be tracked.
Also, new functions are added to the repository:
: lists all versions of the given struct ordered from oldest to newestrevert/2
: rolls the referenced entity back to the state it was before the given version was changed
With this API, you should be able to enable auditing across your entire application easily.
If for some reason ExAudit does not track a change, you can manually add it with
ExAudit.Tracking.track_change(module, adapter, action, changeset, resulting_struct, opts)
In the same module, there are a few other functions you might find useful to roll custom tracking.
Add ex_audit to your list of dependencies:
def deps do
{:ex_audit, "~> 0.9"}
For older ecto versions than 3.2, check out what to do in the Ecto Versions section.
You have to hook ExAudit.Repo
to your repo:
defmodule MyApp.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo,
otp_app: :my_app,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
use ExAudit.Repo
You have to tell ExAudit which schemas to track and the module of your version schema.
In your config.exs, write something like this:
config :ex_audit,
ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo],
version_schema: MyApp.Version,
tracked_schemas: [
Optionally, you can tell ExAudit to treat certain structs as primitives and not record internal changes for the
struct. Add these under the key :primitive_structs
in your config. So for example, if you configured Date
to be treated as a primitive:
config :ex_audit,
ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo],
version_schema: MyApp.Version,
tracked_schemas: [
primitive_structs: [
then the patch would record the entire Date struct as a change:
{:primitive_change, ~D[2000-01-01], ~D[2000-01-18]}
instead of descending into the struct to find the individual part that changed:
{:changed, %{day: {:changed, {:primitive_change, 1, 18}}}}
When you are generating the tables of ex_audit, in some cases, the precision in the fields are in :millisecond
, in such case you can change the precision of the field.
config :ex_audit,
# ...
precision: :millisecond, # :microsecond is default
# ...
You need to copy the migration and the schema module for the versions table. This allows you to add custom fields to the table or decide which type to use for the primary key.
defmodule MyApp.Version do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "versions" do
# The patch in Erlang External Term Format
field :patch, ExAudit.Type.Patch
# supports UUID and other types as well
field :entity_id, :integer
# name of the table the entity is in
field :entity_schema, ExAudit.Type.Schema
# type of the action that has happened to the entity (created, updated, deleted)
field :action, ExAudit.Type.Action
# when has this happened
field :recorded_at, :utc_datetime_usec
# was this change part of a rollback?
field :rollback, :boolean, default: false
# custom fields
belongs_to :user, MyApp.Accounts.User
def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
|> cast(params, [:patch, :entity_id, :entity_schema, :action, :recorded_at, :rollback])
|> cast(params, [:user_id]) # custom fields
defmodule MyApp.Migrations.AddVersions do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:versions) do
# The patch in Erlang External Term Format
add :patch, :binary
# supports UUID and other types as well
add :entity_id, :integer
# name of the table the entity is in
add :entity_schema, :string
# type of the action that has happened to the entity (created, updated, deleted)
add :action, :string
# when has this happened
add :recorded_at, :utc_datetime
# was this change part of a rollback?
add :rollback, :boolean, default: false
# optional fields that you can define yourself
# for example, it's a good idea to track who did the change
add :user_id, references(:users, on_update: :update_all, on_delete: :nilify_all)
# create this if you are going to have more than a hundred of thousands of versions
create index(:versions, [:entity_schema, :entity_id])
If you want to track custom data such as the user id, you can simply pass a keyword list with that data
to the :ex_audit_custom
option in any Repo function:
MyApp.Repo.insert(changeset, ex_audit_custom: [user_id:])
Of course it is tedious to upgrade your entire codebase just to track the user ID for example, so you can also pass this data in a plug:
defmodule MyApp.ExAuditPlug do
def init(_) do
def call(conn, _) do
In the background, ExAudit.track will remember the PID it was called from and attaches the passed data to that PID. In most cases, the conn process will call the Repo functions, so ExAudit can get the data from that PID again deeper in the plug tree.
In some cases where it is not possible to call the Repo function from the conn process, you have to pass the custom data manually via the options described above.
Examples for data you might want to track additionally:
- User ID
- API Key ID
- Message from the user describing what she changed
For ecto 2.x, use {:ex_audit, "~> 0.5"}
For ecto 3.0, upgrade ecto to 3.1
For ecto 3.1, use {:ex_audit, "~> 0.6"}
For ecto 3.1.2 or higher, upgrade ecto to 3.2
For ecto 3.2, use {:ex_audit, "~> 0.7"}
The documentation is available at
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