
Summarize a document conditioned on aspect keywords.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Summarize a document conditioned on query keywords.


Dependencies can be installed with pip3 install -r requirements.txt, using Python 3.

Stanford CoreNLP is also needed for tokenization. Download it from stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP and unzip. Then add the following to your bash_profile:

export CLASSPATH=/path/to/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/stanford-corenlp-3.8.0.jar

replacing /path/to/ with the path to where you saved the stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09 directory.

Trained Models

These checkpoints can be loaded and used for inference without any further training.

Data Preparation

We train on query-augmented data. To train on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, unzip the *.story files from https://cs.nyu.edu/~kcho/DMQA/. By default, the build script will check for these files in data/raw, although this is configurable.

These commands must be run from the working directory src/.

Option 1: Prepare dataset automatically

Call the wrapper script build.py with the query-focused flag -qf. This will create a binary dataset in ../data/binary that a model can be trained on. Note that the automatic build.py script does not support BERTScore. For better performance, read on to prepare the dataset manually.

Full options

usage: build.py [-h] [-pretrained_model PRETRAINED_MODEL] [-map_path MAP_PATH] -root ROOT -raw RAW -name NAME [-overwrite] [-shard_size SHARD_SIZE] [-min_src_nsents MIN_SRC_NSENTS] [-max_src_nsents MAX_SRC_NSENTS]
                [-min_src_ntokens_per_sent MIN_SRC_NTOKENS_PER_SENT] [-max_src_ntokens_per_sent MAX_SRC_NTOKENS_PER_SENT] [-min_tgt_ntokens MIN_TGT_NTOKENS] [-max_tgt_ntokens MAX_TGT_NTOKENS] [-summary_size SUMMARY_SIZE]
                [-lower [LOWER]] [-use_bert_basic_tokenizer [USE_BERT_BASIC_TOKENIZER]] [-log_file LOG_FILE] [-n_cpus N_CPUS] [-qf [QF]] [-keywords KEYWORDS] [-contrastive {none,binary}] [-intensity INTENSITY]
                [-bertscore [BERTSCORE]] [-dataset DATASET]

Create a query-focused dataset by preprocessing, tokenizing, and binarizing a given raw dataset.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -pretrained_model PRETRAINED_MODEL
                        which pretrained model to use
  -map_path MAP_PATH
  -root ROOT            location of root directory for data
  -raw RAW              name of raw directory within the root directory
  -name NAME            name of the generated datset
  -overwrite            overwrite existing datasets that have the same name
  -shard_size SHARD_SIZE
  -min_src_nsents MIN_SRC_NSENTS
  -max_src_nsents MAX_SRC_NSENTS
  -min_src_ntokens_per_sent MIN_SRC_NTOKENS_PER_SENT
  -max_src_ntokens_per_sent MAX_SRC_NTOKENS_PER_SENT
  -min_tgt_ntokens MIN_TGT_NTOKENS
  -max_tgt_ntokens MAX_TGT_NTOKENS
  -summary_size SUMMARY_SIZE
  -lower [LOWER]
  -use_bert_basic_tokenizer [USE_BERT_BASIC_TOKENIZER]
  -log_file LOG_FILE
  -n_cpus N_CPUS
  -qf [QF]              generate a query-focused dataset
  -keywords KEYWORDS    (useful for eval) train on these supplied keywords, otherwise use TF-IDF keywords
  -contrastive {none,binary}
                        whether to use contrastive training
  -intensity INTENSITY  intensity of oracle summary modification
  -bertscore [BERTSCORE]
                        whether to use bertscore instead of rougescore
  -dataset DATASET

Option 2: Prepare dataset manually

Step 1: Sentence Splitting and Tokenization

python preprocess.py -mode tokenize -raw_path RAW_PATH -save_path TOKENIZED_PATH

RAW_PATH is the directory containing story files (../data/raw/cnndm), JSON_PATH is the target directory to save the generated json files (../data/tokenized/cnndm)

Step 2: Format to Simpler Json Files

python preprocess.py -mode format_to_lines -raw_path RAW_PATH -save_path JSON_PATH -n_cpus 1 -use_bert_basic_tokenizer false -map_path MAP_PATH -qf -intensity 1 -contrastive binary

RAW_PATH is the directory containing tokenized files (../data/tokenized/cnndm), JSON_PATH is the target directory to save the generated json files (../data/json/cnndm/t), MAP_PATH is the directory containing the urls files (../urls)

Step 2.5 (Optional) Use BERTScore to Generate Oracle Extractive Summaries

python bertscore.py -in_dir ../data/json/cnndm/ -out_dir ../data/json/cnndm_bertscore/ 

Step 3: Format to Binary files

python preprocess.py -mode format_to_bert -raw_path JSON_PATH -save_path BERT_DATA_PATH  -lower -n_cpus 1 -log_file ../logs/preprocess.log -qf -intensity 1 -contrastive binary -bertscore

JSON_PATH is the directory containing json files (../data/json/cnndm_bertscore), BERT_DATA_PATH is the target directory to save the generated binary files (../data/binary/cnnmdm)


Use train.py to train the model with appropriate flags. For example:

python train.py -task ext -mode train -bert_data_path ../data/binary/cnndm/t -ext_dropout 0.1 -model_path ../models/qfsumm_cnndm_bertscore -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0 -report_every 500 -save_checkpoint_steps 2000 -batch_size 3000 -train_steps 75000 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/cnndm_nonqf -use_interval true -max_pos 512


summarize.py is a wrapper script located within the src/ directory. It allows for summarization of documents using either QFSumm, CTRLSum, or a custom PyTorch checkpoint. Usage is as follows:

usage: summarize.py [-h] --model MODEL --text TEXT --keywords KEYWORDS [--map-path MAP_PATH] [--dataset-dir DATASET_DIR] [--results-dir RESULTS_DIR] [--logs-dir LOGS_DIR] [--debug]

Summarize a document conditioned on query keywords.

required arguments:
  --model MODEL         name of the model to use. Can be 'qfsumm', 'ctrlsum', or a filepath to to a QFSumm-like pytorch checkpoint.
  --text TEXT           input document
  --keywords KEYWORDS   comma-seperated keywords to use for query

optional arguments:
  --map-path MAP_PATH   where to store temporary mapping
  --dataset-dir DATASET_DIR
                        where to store raw, tokenized, and binarized data.
  --results-dir RESULTS_DIR
                        where to write model outputs.
  --logs-dir LOGS_DIR   where to store logs
  --debug               print more verbose output for debugging

Note that this script calls other subprocesses and must be run directly from the same working directory src/. Sample usage of the script:

python summarize.py --model qfsumm --keywords disturbance,islands,hurricane \
 --text "The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season is heating up early as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) monitors two different areas of potential development, and it's still June. Next up: Tropical Storm Elsa. Social media is awash with memes of the next named storm, which shares the same name as Disney's fictional character from the movie 'Frozen.' It may crack a smile for some parents, or even the weather-savvy 5-year-old, but this is one to watch closely. While the nearest area of activity (currently identified as invest 95L) has major hurdles to overcome in the days ahead, the NHC designated the next wave as 'Potential Tropical Cyclone Five' Wednesday afternoon. This tropical disturbance is currently about 1,200 miles east of the Windward Islands. Although any potential interaction with the US mainland wouldn't occur until the early to middle part of next week, this disturbance is becoming better organized as the hours pass and currently poses a more immediate threat to the Windward and Leeward Islands." 

The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season is heating up early as the National Hurricane Center ( NHC ) monitors two different areas of potential development , and it 's still June . This tropical disturbance is currently about 1,200 miles east of the Windward Islands . Although any potential interaction with the US mainland would n't occur until the early to middle part of next week , this disturbance is becoming better organized as the hours pass and currently poses a more immediate threat to the Windward and Leeward Islands .