
Anonymous peer feedback bot and associated website for Slack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Peer feedback bot for Slack

A simple bot for Slack to give anonymous feedback to other team members, and to have correspondence anonymously.

All (non-delivered) feedback can be converted to non-anonymous as well. Feedback senders can reply anonymously to continue discussion and provide clarifications, in case feedback recipient did not understand the feedback.

Setting up Slack app

  • Create a new Slack app
  • Go to "OAuth & Permissions" tab, enter your development environment and production environment URLs
  • Go to "Bot Users" tab, add new bot, enable "Always Show My Bot as Online"
  • Go to "Interactive Messages", enter the URL with /hooks/interactive_message
  • Go to "Slash Commands", add new slash command. For example, /peer_feedback, "Request URL" /hooks/peer_feedback_handler, "Usage hint", [@username] [feedback_text]
  • Go to "Event subscriptions", enable, "Request URL" /hooks/incoming_slack_event. Add Team Event, user_change. Before this, you must have the server up and running with valid SSL cert, and reachable from general internet.

Setting up server on Heroku

  • Create a new Heroku app. Do note you need either hobby or pro dynos, as Heroku has strict timeouts for some operations.
  • Go to "Resources" tab and add "Heroku Postgres :: Database" with whatever version you want.
  • Go to "Settings" tab, and configure necessary config variables.
  • Push this repository to Heroku app
  • heroku run python manage.py migrate to create database tables

Required config variables (settings read from environment variables)

  • CLIENT_ID, from Slack app - Basic Information - App Credentials
  • CLIENT_SECRET - see previous
  • VERIFICATION_TOKEN - see previous
  • DATABASE_URL - set automatically by Heroku; sqlite for local development.
  • OAUTH_CALLBACK - https://your-app-name.herokuapp.com/oauth_callback. Note that this must be configured to Slack app as well.
  • SECRET_KEY - generate a long random string for this. Never share it with anyone. Used by Django for CSRF tokens and signing sessions.
  • USER_LINK_SECRET - generate a long random string for this. Never share it with anyone. Used by peer feedback to sign feedback links.
  • USER_LOGIN_CALLBACK - https://your-app-name.herokuapp.com/user_oauth_callback. Do note that this must be configured to Slack app as well.
  • WEB_ROOT - https://your-app-name.herokuapp.com/. Include trailing slash.

Installing locally

  • Recommended: use python virtual environments
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python manage migrate to create database tables