
Brief conceptual program representation of Generational Garbage Collection

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Generational Garbage Collection Technique.

Implementation of uniformed heap representaions.

The derived garbage collection algorithm used is stop-and-copy.

Version 1.0.

I. Overall Goal For Our Generational Garbage Collection Program

To optimize this algorithm, the idea was for memory to be managed in generations that simply holds various objects of different ages. Garbage collection occurs in each generation when the generation fills up. Objects are allocated in a generation for younger objects or the young generation, and because of infant mortality most objects die there. When the young generation fills up it causes a minor collection. Minor collections can be optimized assuming a high infant mortality rate. However, as you will find, there is some missing functionality from the code that enables our GC algorithm to promote objects into various n++ generation spaces. (G0 -> Gn)... To put the following program into perspective, first the first half of the program should use some simple heap structure, memory, allocation and object referencing functions. These can then be broken into two generations: from-space and the to-space.

The to-space: Most of the newly created objects are located here. The from-space: Objects that did not become unreachable / survived the to-space are copied here. When objects disappear from the to-space, we say a minor GC has occurred. When objects disappear from the from-space: we say a major GC (or a full GC) has occurred. There are a number of different algorithms that incrementally perform this procedure. For example, the traditional mark and sweep algorithm, however this lacks any generational procedure. Rather the algorithm, uses traversing methods over unreachable and reachable objects in the heap. This is known as the marking phase, - subsequently, the sweep phase occurs soon after. Sweeping takes all the unreachable objects and assigns them to an empty space. Other various algorithms have derived from mark and sweep, such as the Stop and Copy algorithm this program is derived from.

1. Heap Structure, Allocation & Reachability

Firstly, we must establish our heap, that will contain several uniformed boxed elements. We can pull out elements from the ARC (Reference Counting) program. ARC is used as a simple technique of storing the number of references, pointers, or handles to a resource such as an object, block of memory, disk space or other resource. Essentially, we need somewhere to store our objects and references. Each address at that an object is stored will be located inside our heap array below.

var heap = makeHeap(20)

Current from-space (working) space.

var FROM_SPACE = 0

Start of the to-space space.

var TO_SPACE = 10

Spaces for the generation objects to be passed after GC.

var G_0 = {};

var G_1 = {};

var G_2 = {};

Initially the allocation pointer is set to the beginning of the from-space (to zero).


Set up a function that denotes allocation of various objects. Then assign our objects and store onto the heap. The POINTER returns object(s) back. We also explicitly keep the address on the object the heap array index, where the object is allocated. Incrementally this increases the POINTER.

function pointAddress(object) {
  // Puts object inside heap[POINTER]
  heap[POINTER] = object;
  // Set up post-increment operator
  return object;

Now we can implement our heap divisions. The heap is divided into two spaces for our objects to be assigned in. The from-space or old generation is where our currently reachable objects live. The to-space or young generation in contrast is initially reserved for GC needs. First half (0-9 indices) is from-space, the second half (indices 10-19) is the to-space.

Set up two variables for the two space divisions and their indices. Reasons for doing this are because: In many programs, recently created objects are also most likely to become unreachable incredibly quicker than first thought. This is known as the infant mortality or the generational hypothesis. With generational GCs it is easier to divide our heap into two divisions for this purpose. Therefore, many generational GCs use separate memory regions for different ages of objects.

1.1 Uniform Heap Representation

Set up function for creating int with a value of n.

function makeInt (n, heap) {
    // The function returns our impleneted heap stack with the 
    // value associated with n.
    return heap.pointAddress ({ intValue: n }); 

Set up function for creating cons with a value of head, tail and heap.

function makeCons (head, tail, heap) {
   // The returned value proceeds with a function call implementing
   // our head, tail elements.
   return heap.pointAddress ({ head: head, tail: tail });

Set up function to create our uniformed heap. The function returns several values that store object, object_array, size and next, and the to_space.

function alloc (object, object_array, size, next) {
      // If our next space is smaller and equal to size of heap:
      if (next <= size) {
        // Perform allocation of array to object:
        object_array[next] = object;
        Return next object:      
        return next;
      } else {
        // Let us return failure code, such as null:
        return null;
} End pointAddress()

Our makeHeap() function denotes several internal functions that subsequently allocate several functional operations. The idea of this is to enable flexibility, extending our uniformed heap structure beyond just some global elements.

The function passes the variable of n, that is used to allocate a dynamic heap size for our simple array structure initiated further above on line 43. The function returns a number of helper tags that helps create our from-space and our to-space, with an additional next_to space. The next_to space stores our objects after they leave the nursery, before the GC algorithm is called upon the objects.

[ Old Space || {2}, {4} | To Space ]

[ Old Space || Next To | To Space ]

Note: Remember that our n resembles an abstract representation of the dynamic heap and the number of heap elements. This is why n is passed in our return elements size, from and to because we want the heap space to capture and assign all of our dynamic elements added onto the stack. The next variable is used for passing in our objects within a contained space. This needs to be done for incremental purposes.

Note: Remember that our n resembles an abstract representation of the dynamic heap and the number of heap elements. This is why n is passed in our return elements size, from and to because we want the heap space to capture and assign all of our dynamic elements added onto the stack. The next variable is used for passing in our objects within a contained space. This needs to be done for incremental purposes.

function makeHeap (n) {
  return {
    size: n,
    from: new Array(n), // Array for from-space.
    next: 0, // Set up a traversal next variable and set to 0.
    next_to: 0, // Set next_to space that is also empty and set to 0.
    to: new Array(n), // Array for to-space.
    // Our pointAddress() function is used to return our alloc() upon our 
    // object. The function is basically used for assigning our objects and
    // storing onto the heap. For whatever object on the heap, it has the function
    // return our initiated elements from makeHeap() function return above. 
    pointAddress:  function (o) {
      return alloc(o, this.from, this.size, this.next++);
    // The pointAddressTo() is used to explicitly keep the address of the 
    // object. The heap array index and where the object is allocated.
    // Incrementally this increases the next_to variable. 
    // This allows us to move objects into the next_to space.
    pointAddressTo: function (o) {
      return alloc(o, this.to, this.size, this.next_to++);

    // Our heapSwapSpaces() function is used to help us to move 
    // object assignment from our from-space to our to-space. 
    heapSwapSpaces: function () {
      var t = this.from;
      from = this.to;
      to = t;
  } end return

} End makeHeap()

1.2 Set Up The Structure Of The Heap

We first use the makeInt() to create ourselves an integer object. Integer created stores the value 10 and associates itself with the new abstracted heap. This allows us to create a more uniformed representation of the abstracted heap elements.

var z = makeInt(10, heap);

Next, we do the same with our makeCons() function however we add the value of a standard null. Notice how we also tag z that is a variable we are storing our integer in.

z: {10} -> x: {null}
x: {null} <- z: {10}

This particular functional assignment is continued for other various elements. These are subsequently passed along with our heap variable and added onto our stack representation.

var x = makeCons(z, null, heap);
var f = makeCons(makeInt(2, heap), x, heap);
var y = makeCons(makeInt(4, heap), f, heap);
var k = makeCons(makeInt(6, heap), y, heap);
var j = makeCons(makeInt(8, heap), k, heap);
var m = makeCons(makeInt(12, heap), j, heap);   

The criteria for our GC is to target non-reachable objects. Therefore, we must cut off some root level association path for one of our objects for the GC to efficiently work. This is called further down in the code where we call our GC algorithm: gc_sc();

2. Stop and Copy GC, Fixing Pointer Issue & Forwarding Pointers

In this moving Stop and Copy GC, all memory is divided into a from-space and to-space. Initially, objects are allocated into a to-space until the space becomes full. Next, a GC algorithm is triggered, below we highlight the Stop and Copy GC algorithm that is a more redefined mark and sweep algorithm.

Abstractly, there doesnt need to be any bit-for-bit copy inclusion. Bit-for-bit inclusion would enable us to assign more detailed references. Because of this, there would be copying issues. As our abstract representation does not cater for more precise references, therefore some properties of objects may be referencing to other objects. This is unfortunately one of the pitfalls when trying to implement a strict GC in JavaScript, other languages such as C++ would potentially provide more concrete implementation techniques.

After the copying we should try adjust all pointers and their objects to point to the new space where the objects were copied. A technique that may help us to solve this issue is a Forwarding Addresses. This technique contains a special marker value that we can put on the object when copy it.

At runtime, we can assign and mark the copied objects more efficiently by forwarding addresses. This will update any other objects and their pointers incrementally and we can denote markers accordingly by dividing the to-space into three parts:

Copied & Scanned objects -> from-space

Just copied objects - > next_to

And the Free space -> to-space

Our new allocation pointers are set to the boundary of both the to-space and from-space. This is ideal because as we mentioned earlier, our heap becomes flexible in size.

Set up some basic variables for our pointer and to be used abstractly within our GC function and algorithm.


And the Scanner pointer is set initially here:


Now lets set up a function to connect objects to their new locations. Remember, our object is abstract and is empty...

function copyNewSpace(heap, object) {
  // We create a variable to store an empty object array:
  var newCopiedObject = {};
  // Find items in our from-space heap and associated objects we have created.
  for (var item in heap.from[object]) {
    if (item != address && item != forwardingAddress) {
          newCopiedObject[item] = heap.from[object][item];
  // Now mark the old object as copied or assigned:
  heap.from[forwardingAddress] = POINTER;
  // Next let us return these onto the heap 
  // this subsequently increases the pointAddress() pointer.
  // Finally, the function takes a copied object, 
  // from heap.to and increments over into next.to heap.
  return heap.pointAddressTo(newCopiedObject);

// Now lets set up a function to check if value is an address marker.
// For abstraction the function and algorithm uses simplified versioning.
// We take the address in the heap array using its index (that are numbers). 
// E.G. address = 1.
function checkAddress(name, value) {
  return typeof value == number && name != address && name !=    	forwardingAddress;

Our copy function, this is a very important mechanism in the overall functionality of the program. This is our secret weapon and what we will use to copy and assign reachable and unreachable objects from one space to another.

function copy(x, h) {
     // Important: We need a special marker checker for any
     // of our special null objects.
    if ( x == null) {
        return null;
    // For output reasons, let us console log our address
    // and our value x for that is being passed.
    console.log(address:  + x);
    // Next, let us assign a variable that marks our object 
    // address but inside our to-space. The idea is not to
    // loose track of our addresses and assigned values 
    // from one space to another.
    var new_x = copyNewSpace(h, x);
    for (f in heap.to[new_x]) {
        console.log(new address in to space:  + new_x);
        if (f !== intValue) {
            copy(heap.to[new_x][f], h);
    // Finally, we return our new_x variable and this allows
    // us to use this in our GC algorithm.
    return new_x;

3. Start The Abstracted Stop & Copy GC Algorithm

Firstly, we must copy root objects to the new space. We only have one reachable object here and that is the root object. Therefore, we can do this by assigning our gc_sc(root). Nevertheless, we also need to pass our functional heap variable that allows the GC algorithm (derived stop-and-copy) over our abstract heap structure.

Lets copy it to the to-space, by automatically creating a simple for loop that iterates from our root object and traverses down. We are also keeping the scan pointer at its position.

From this, we have now differentiated our scanner and allocation pointers. Our scanner now points to our from-space heap. For now, we have only the root object. During our scanning, we copy all these sub-objects and mark them as copied as well.

This is done by pushing our form-space objects to the new_roots empty array. Reasons, for doing this are because we need to keep track of the root objects when swapping objects over spaces. If this was not implemented below, our function would fail because it would not be able to keep track of reassignment in one space to another. Further down the line, this became an issue for trying to implement the generational promotion functions. This is explained in more detail further down in the code.

function gc_sc(root, heap) {
var SCANNER = heap.from;
console.log(root:  + root);
var new_roots = new Array ();

for (var i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
    new_roots.push(copy(root[i], heap));
  // Now let us store and reset spaces.
  // To do this, we call our simple re-assignment 
  // heapSwapSpaces() function we initiated at the
  // begining of our code. 

  return new_roots;

4. Lets Show Some GC Results

Time to show some implemented results with the GC algorithm. We can use some simple console.logs() for this. Notice, that the address of the f object in the updated to the new location.

console.log(FIRST HEAP BEFORE GC: + \n\n );

Simple for loop to go over our heap of from-space objects.

for (var k = 0; k < heap.size; k++) {
console.log(\n\n );
console.log(FIRST PERFORM GC_SC ALGORITHM: gc_sc([f], heap); + \n\n);
console.log(HEAP AFTER GC: + \n);

The function of our GC using an abstracted implementation of the stop-and-copy algorithm is called and we pass our key index [f] upon our heap representaion.

gc_sc([f], heap);

For outputting reasons, we have two different outputs of the GC alogirthm being called upon two different index keys:

console.log(\n\n );

console.log(SECOND HEAP BEFORE GC: + \n\n);

Simple for loop to go over our heap of from-space objects:

for (var k = 0; k < heap.size; k++) {
console.log(\n\n );
console.log(PERFORM GC_SC ALGORITHM: gc_sc([j], heap); + \n\n);
console.log(SECOND HEAP AFTER GC: + \n\n);
gc_sc([j], heap);

5. Mechanism To Promote The Newly Assigned Live Objects Into Generations

We need a mechanism to copy the live data of one region of memory to a contiguous group of records in another region.

Concrete stop-and-copy requires copying every live object from the source heap to a new heap before you could free the old one, that translates to lots of memory. With blocks, the GC can typically use dead blocks to copy objects to as it collects. Each block has a generation count to keep track of whether its alive. In the normal case, only the blocks created since the last GC are compacted; all other blocks get their generation count bumped if they have been referenced from somewhere.

This handles the idea of short-lived temporary objects. Periodically, a full sweep is made - large objects are still not copied (just get their generation count bumped) and blocks containing small objects are copied and compacted.

Unfortunately, trying to implement the generation promotion turned out to be incredibly tricky and after several versions of the different code. This had to be re-evaluated and re-designed. Time constraints restricted the program from evolving further.


1 - Take objects of similar age. (Current state of heap). 2 - Objects containing similar age : our first heap. 3 - Divide, objects, add to a generational space recursively. 4 - Perform GC_SC algorithm, with each result, add to a new space.

Lets break it down a bit more:

1 - Take all objects in [heap] 2 - Divide and segment objects from [heap] 3 - Push all objects in [heap] into our first generation: G0. 3 - Push objects into older g1, g2 as they survive successive collection cycles.

Ideally, we needed to have some empty arrays to store our objects associated spaces for the generation objects to be passed after GC.

For example:

var G_0 = {}; var G_1 = {}; var G_2 = {};

However, it seems as though the functional approach would of been easier to implement and it would allow us to adapt to multiple n++ generation heaps. G0... -> Gn

Starting off, the idea was to have a function that created an empty array of heaps.

For example:

function genHeaps() { var heaps = {}; return object[]; }

Next the idea was to have a function that would subsequently push the initial heap representation (using the makeHeap) function. This heap would be pushed into the empty heaps array we initiated above in the genHeaps() function. The function would take the n variable as it would push per heap.

For example:

function createNextHeap(n) { this.heaps.push(makeHeap(n)); }

Finally, we needed generation function that takes the heaps array and its current associated objects. Inside this function, it simply looks for objects in a desired array. The idea for this function was for it to connect the dots together and act as a promotional anchor for our generalised GC routine.

For example:

function generation(object, array, index) {
  // Pull elements from heap and push into our array.
  if (typeof(object) == "object") {
      for (item in object) {
         // Segment our heap items.
          for (var i = 0; i < item.length;)
              // Then for each item push into array
              array[item] = object[item];

              // However, it seems as though the function needed some
             // conditional statements to identify live objects and from
            // here we would be able to implement our GC algorithm gc_sc
           // upon each generational promotion into our heaps array.
            if (objects in set(g0, g1, g2) == "object") {
    // Finally, return our array full of items.
    return array;

Call our generation function passing in our object, desired heap implementation and our key index. The aim here was for the function to recursively generate and link together our heap generation versions of survived garbage collection objects.

For example:

generation(h, heaps, f);

II. Conclusion And Overall Summary

Although the generational aspect of the GC routine is absent, it was easier to describe a potential working algorithm for implementing the generational promotions than programming a fix. It seems as though the program was incredibly close to fulfilling the generational promotion mechanism.

Reasons for not being able to successfully implement the generational promotion is because the generation() function does not provide an adaptive solution for an arbitrary amount of generation promotions. Although the heap implementation enables the program to cope for this, there was significant difficulty in designing an efficient bridge between the waterfall of promotional functions:

For example:

[ genHeaps() -> || -> createNextHeap(n) -> || -> generation() ]

My overall understanding seemed to be initially correct, however my lack of pure functional programming experience let me down on the last hurdle. In hindsight, using the stop-and-copy GC algorithm was an interesting algorithm to program. It has a more complicated allocation process when compared with the traditional mark-and-sweep. The algorithm has a running time that is O(R), R = reachable, and it reclaims memory by moving reachable storage to another space in memory. The idea was to abstractly represent these transitions of space in memory, however it turned out that too much abstraction created errors. I had difficulty when trying to implement a generational approach, mainly because I could not find a successful mechanism for copying and tracking reduced storage amounts over several n++ spaces.

Stop-and-copy is considered the faster GC algorithm. We do not have to worry about the post traversal over any n++ heap to reduce and clear data. that is a great relief, however it would of been interesting to view the runtime if the model had a more distinct generational collection routine.