
JobsCalc é um aplicativo que ajuda freelancers a ter uma prévia do salário do mês, onde é possível ter um controle de empregos e planejar uma taxa horária para quem está usando

Primary LanguageEJSMIT LicenseMIT







Running the project

How to contribute

Reach me

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📖 Overview

JobsCalc is an application that helps freelancers to have a previous salary, where it is possible to have a control of jobs and plan an hourly rate for those who are using It is being developed during the Discover Marathon - offered by Rocketseat

🚧 In development 🚧

🚀 Technology

This project was developed with the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • NodeJS
  • EJS
  • Express
  • SQLite

👀 Preview


Web Screenshot

🎨 Layout

The Layout was developed by Tiago Luchtenberg, and you can access it on Figma

🔥 Running the project


You should have:

  • NodeJS
  • Package manager (NPM ou Yarn)
## Clone this repository :floppy_disk:
$ git clone https://github.com/ojeffpinheiro01/jobsCalc.git

## Access the project folder at the command prompt
$ cd jobsCalc

## Install the dependencies
$ yarn install
$ npm install

## Start the database
$ yarn init-db
$ npm run init-db

## Run 
### Run the application
$ yarn dev
$ npm run dev

## The app is running on port 3000 - go to <http:// localhost: 3000> 

⚙️ How to contribute

- Fork this repository;
- Create a branch with your feature: `git checkout -b my-feature`;
- Commit your changes: `git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'`;
- Push to your branch: `git push origin my-feature`.

📫 Reach me

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Connect with me

ojeffoinheiro maykbrito maykbrito maykbrito maykbrito ojeffoinheiro

This project was developed with ❤️ by @Jéferson Pinheiro, with instructors Mayk Brito and Jakeliny Gracielly, during the Maratona Discover of Rocketseat 💜.
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