
Simplifies managing localization files for ObjC/Swift projects.


pip install pygenstrings or your preferred way of installing Python packages.


With a config file

Create a config file pygenstrings.toml. This uses the TOML format. All configuration values are under the [pygenstrings] key. Alternatively you can use the key [tool.pygenstrings] in your pyproject.toml

Available configuration options are:

  • sources: A list of paths to search for strings in.
  • languages: A list of languages for which to generate string files.
  • destination: Root folder for the output of the files. Defaults to the current directory.
  • exclude: List of glob-like filters for which paths to exclude.

Now simply run pygenstrings in the same directory as the config file.

Using command line arguments

Command line arguments override any values in the config file when given. The following options are supported:

  • -s/--src: Path to search for strings in. Can be provided multiple times.
  • -l/--lang: Language to generate string files for. Can be provided multiple times.
  • -d/--dst: Root folder for the output of files. Defaults to current directory.
  • -e/--exclude: Glob-like filter of paths to exclude. Can be provided multiple times.
  • -c/--config-file: Alternative configuration file to use.