
Grab GPU whenever available

Primary LanguageCuda

Grab the GPUs to run your own code!

Download (downward compatibility)

CUDA 10.1:

wget https://github.com/godweiyang/GrabGPU/releases/download/v1.0.0/gg_cu101

CUDA 11.0:

wget https://github.com/godweiyang/GrabGPU/releases/download/v1.0.0/gg_cu110

CUDA 11.2:

wget https://github.com/godweiyang/GrabGPU/releases/download/v1.0.0/gg_cu112

Compile the source code

nvcc gg.cu -o gg

Run default script


./gg <GPU Memory (GB)> <Occupied Time (h)> <GPU ID>

Occupy 16 GB GPU memory for 24 hours using GPU 0, 1, 2, 3 to run default script.

./gg 16 24 0,1,2,3

Run your own script


./gg <GPU Memory (GB)> <Occupied Time (h)> <GPU ID> <OPTIONAL: Script Path>

Occupy 16 GB GPU memory using GPU 0, 1, 2, 3 to run your own run.sh. Note that the occupied time here is useless.

./gg 16 24 0,1,2,3 run.sh