
App to generate quizes and automatically score them using keywords.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

App to generate quizes and automatically score them using keywords.

Auto Score

This project uses sql to store questions and keywords. These are then read by a python app to automatically generate and score quizes.


I was asked to teach python and javascript to a class of inner city kids at USC. Inspired by Khan Academy and data science in general, I created this app to track student learnings.

Personal Note

I think software should be taught in grade school. So I threw myself into teaching kids at USC in hopes that I would discover effective techniques.

Data was gathered on every class using a combination of tests and surveys. But upon analysis of results, I discovered that the teaching technique mattered far less than the confidence in the child's ability to learn.

Despite our encouragements, some students too easily gave up on fun tasks I know they wanted to succeed in. They were all too familiar with getting stuck and being ignored. It was clear that they were very use to wasting time.

Given all the data, I wonder if the classroom is really the best way to learn. It is effective no doubt. The social environment provides something crucial that cannot be replaced by online modules. However, it also seems to bite back. Children are constantly comparing themselves and that may be a distraction. Or worse, a child may self categorize themselves as incapable.