
Generic UI implementation for the Liquid Pledging smart contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Liquid Pledging User Interface

This is a generig user interface implementation for the liquid pledging smart contract.

You an try a live version here.

Basic Install

Clone this repository into your computer

git clone https://github.com/Giveth/liquidpledging-ui.git

Install npm dependencies

npm install

Creating mock data

We're using an slightly modified version of testrpc in order to use it with websockets.

To start your local testrpc node run

npm run testrpc

Now let's generate some mock data by runing a little script. This will deploy the liquidpledging contract into the already running testrpc network and then it will create some mock users and pledges.

node scripts/basicScenario.js

Compile the interface

With some mock data in place, we can try it out.

npm start

This will compile the interface and serve it locally at http://localhost:3000/

If you want to build and optimized version run

npm run build