Full-Stack project to manage gyms,track members' attendances and subscriptions.
Clone the repository
# using SSH
git clone git@github.com:ojpro/gym-track.git
# using HTTPS
Setup Backend
# go to backend folder
cd gym-track/backend
# install composer packages
composer Install
# create an .env file
cp .env.example .env
# generate app key
php artisan key:generate
# start the server
Setup frontend
# go to frontend folder
cd ../frontend
# install npm packages
npm install
# or using yarn
# create an .env file ^^
cp .env.example .env
# start the project
npm run dev
🚀 Now you can visit http://localhost:3000
to set up the project & start using it.
- You should have a database before entre the project installation process
- You can edit Axios BASE_URL in
- Start PHP artisan before npm server
To run tests, run the following command
cd backend
php artisan test