- 1
Make work with fzf-lua
#39 opened by NullSense - 1
- 1
Error when try to sink the fzf-result to quickfix window: set_qlist(a nil val)
#40 opened by huawenyu - 1
'textDocument/codeAction' not support?
#38 opened by linrongbin16 - 6
Improving document symbols
#12 opened by Seich - 2
Feature Request: Severity color in LspDiagnostics
#37 opened by wustho - 1
No error message shown in :LspDiagnostics command
#36 opened by wustho - 2
Why is codeaction not supported?
#35 opened by ycycyyc - 3
- 1
breaking changes on neovim master
#32 opened by black-desk - 3
Actions in fzf broken on nvim nightly
#25 opened by sQVe - 1
switch to nvim-lua
#30 opened by ViRu-ThE-ViRuS - 2
let functional actions be the last callbacks to be called with selected items
#28 opened by ViRu-ThE-ViRuS - 0
@ojroques okay I am noticing that even after calling the action function, it automatically sets the qflist and opens that split, which defeats the purpose of my qf_list function. I we can let action take complete control over what happens with the selections, which makes it more like the last callback.
#29 opened by ViRu-ThE-ViRuS - 5
call lua function in action
#27 opened by ViRu-ThE-ViRuS - 3
Feature request: Adding support for tab drop
#26 opened by yolo2h - 1
Reopen the last results
#24 opened by willir - 6
How to use fzf for lsp?
#10 opened by TornaxO7 - 1
- 5
- 5
fzf doesn't scroll preview to actual position
#17 opened by astavonin - 4
Code action text missing sometimes (tsserver)
#16 opened by sQVe - 6
code action not works
#15 opened by zjsyhjh - 3
- 1
Adding option to set layout
#13 opened by adisen99 - 2
- 1
How to configure LSP methods separately?
#8 opened by alexgenco - 3
- 2
Maintain the fzf_preview_window options.
#6 opened by lucax88x - 7
Diagnostic and actions handlers are missing
#5 opened by lucax88x - 4
- 3
fzf preview not works
#4 opened by zanglg - 2
Vimplug cannot find master branch
#1 opened by CKolkey