
ESP32 based remote CW keyer

Primary LanguageC


M5StickC - ESP32 remote CW keyer by OK1CDJ ondra@ok1cdj.com

Primary desiged for M5StickC but can be used with any ESP32 board


You can get M5Stack M5StickC CW Hat from hamshop.cz


If you would like try another ESP32 board remove #define M5Stick and correct Pin assigment


Responsive Web interface based on Boostrap


http based service for remote control from another application

Simple linux cwdaemon emulation - currently support only, send message, change speed and break trasmition - tested with Tucnak VHF Contest log http://tucnak.nagano.cz/wiki/Main_Page


CW output is on G26 - connect optocoupler or transistor for keying and connect radio UDP server listen on 6789

WEB http://url/?apikey=XXXXXXXX when button A is pressed QR code with url is displayed

Config - http://url/cfg or hold button B on start when button A is pressed QR code with url is displayed

API http://url/sendmorse?apikey=XXXXXX&message=ok1cdj&speed=33

TODO: make compatibility with ESP32 with ethernet like OLIMEX ESP32-POE
