May The Fourth be with you Weekend Challenge

These challenges are ment to show your skills in development without use of big things. Think outside the box and may the force be with you.

The Easy Challenge

The Challenge

Style the dropdown so that it does not look like the native dropdown.

The Medium Challenge

The Challenge

Style only one checkbox

The Hard Challenge

The Challenge

Style the checkbox so that it doesnt look like the native check box.
  • It must respond visually when checked and unchecked.
  • Style all 3 checkboxes
  • Each checkbox needs respond when you click it.
  • This means each checkbox is individual styled and function independently (Check one the others don't check)

How far can you bend the force? (Rules)

  • You are NOT allowed to add any libraries.
  • The force is flowing through you and you can use jquery some mindtricks. (We have included it in the code)
  • You are NOT allowed to touch anything inside the <body> of index.html
  • You are allowed to use SASS / SCSS
  • It only needs to look good on your browser of choice, please state what browser when you share.
  • Bonus points for covering more browsers.
  • Checkboxes must be minumum 22px x 22px as this is minimum recomended size for touch devices.
  • Proper use of git required. Keep a maintained commit history (Don't commit everything at the end)
  • Your Github repo must contain a file containing ONLY:
    • Your Discord Username
    • Browsers of your choice (if any)


This must be commited by 07/05/2018 (May 4th be with you)

Submitting and use of Git

2 Options:

  1. Fork the repo and make a new branch, please make a pull request. (Recommended)
  2. git clone the repo and share the repo with us for submission.
  • Do not push code to the original repo (It will be declined, as your force is not that strong)
  • If your not sure then ask in our Discord server we are here to help and do this toghter

Feel free to do all challenges and submit it


Please PM @Cookie Monster#6725 or @Kurple#7282 with the following info

  • Your github Repo

Forth Be With you