
An anonymous chat app to increase productivity in colleg campus.

Primary LanguagePython


InterChange is a web application designed exclusively for college students to facilitate productive discussions and connections. It allows users to post statuses about topics they'd like to discuss, and other students with common interests can engage in anonymous conversations to schedule in-person meetings.


  • Anonymous Profiles: Users can create anonymous profiles without revealing personal information, promoting a safe and secure environment for discussions and meetings.
  • Status Updates: Users can post statuses about the topics they'd like to discuss in a productive way.
  • Matching System: The app matches users with common interests based on their posted statuses, enabling students to connect with others who share their passions.
  • Chat Functionality: Once a user finds a relevant status update, they can engage in anonymous conversations to discuss the time, date, and venue for an in-person meeting.
  • Enhanced Productivity: By bringing together students with similar interests, TopicConnect encourages productive discussions, helps students grow their knowledge, and fosters personal connections.

Tech Stack

  • Backend: Python Flask
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Security: HTTPS encryption, secure authentication, and data protection measures
  • Deployment:

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x
  • MongoDB
  • Flask, JSON, uuid, render-templates, requests


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/okaditya84/InterChange
  2. Configure the database connection: Update the database configuration file with the appropriate credentials.
  3. Run the application: flask run
  4. Access the application in your web browser: http://localhost:5000


We welcome contributions from the community to enhance TopicConnect. To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature: git checkout -b feature-name
  3. Implement your changes and test thoroughly.
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin feature-name
  6. Create a pull request detailing your changes.

Please ensure that your contributions align with the project's coding standards and follow best practices.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding TopicConnect, please feel free to contact us at aditya.ce21@sot.pdpu.ac.in We appreciate your feedback and support!