#JWD Final Java core task ##Requirements
- Fork this git repository
- You should not remove MY comments
- You have to follow Java code conventions !
- Code must compile
- You have to do the latest commit before 23:59 3th March (Minsk time)
- Use slf4j for logging your actions (You should store INFO or higher messages in output log files, which have 5 generations)
- You can use any codegenerators (i.e. Lombok)
- Console input should be done using java.util.Scanner
- Input files contains structure description, starts with hash
- Flight mission now has a new fields
- New cacheable entity was introduced
- New space map was introduced with the corresponding service
- You have to compute flight enddate and distance (distance between [i][j] and [i][j+1] = 1; [i][j] and [i+1][j+1] = sqrt(2). Use Pythagorean theorem. It took 1s time for 1 distance)
###Mandatory tasks:
- In domain package update entity based on requirements
- Implements service interfaces
- Extend missed criteria implementations
- Update custom exception with meaningful messages (feel free to create your own exceptions, if you need them)
- Populate context with missing implementation
- Design UI for ApplicationMenu (user should be able to get/update information about CrewMembers, Spaceships. Able to create/update mission information). Able to write information about selected mission(s) in output file in json format
###Additional tasks:
- Create tests using Junit, Mockito for your functionality
- Implement additional option in a menu (for mission) with real-time flight-status
- Discuss with mentor any improvements, you want to implement