
Crowbar is an extensible library, which helps to authenticate user via preferred provider and method of your choice (email, SMS, etc.).

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Alt text


Crowbar is an extensible library, which helps to authenticate user via preferred provider and method of your choice (email, SMS, etc.).


Requesting confirmation code
  • User requests confirmation code by providing his mobile number, email or any other address, unique to the user together with the user ID.
  • Unique 6 digit Confirmation code is generated and stored together with the user ID in a repository.
  • Confirmation code is sent to the user via specified provider.
Confirming the user
  • Confirmation code is received
  • If confirmation code exists in Confirmation repository, the database entry is removed.
  • Unique 36 symbol length Authentication token is generated and stored together with user ID.
  • Authentication token is returned.

Key features

  • Written in Kotlin and is compatible with other JVM languages including Java, Scala, Groovy.
  • Extensible API, no need to modify current code.
  • Use your own confirmation code provider and repository by implementing Crowbar API


  • Gradle
repositories {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url 'http://repository.boldadmin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/'

dependencies {
    compile "lt.boldadmin.crowbar:crowbar:2.9.0"
  • Maven
        <name>BoldAdmin Release Repository</name>



  • Implement UserTokenRepository and UserConfirmationCodeRepository with your own choice of database.

Example with Spring Data MongoDB:

interface UserConfirmationCodeMongoRepository
    : UserConfirmationCodeRepository, MongoRepository<UserConfirmationCode, String> {

    override fun save(code: UserConfirmationCode)

    override fun deleteByCode(id: String)

    override fun existsByCode(code: String): Boolean

    override fun findByCode(code: String): UserConfirmationCode
  • Implement ConfirmationMessageGateway from Crowbar API with a preferred message delivery provider. Plugin example


class YourGatewayAdapter() : ConfirmationMessageGateway {

    override fun send(message: String, address: String) {
  • Classes which implement repositories and ConfirmationMessageGateway are provided during runtime, favorite DI tool should be used.
  • Request confirmation code by providing an address, where confirmation code should be sent and user ID:
identityConfirmation.sendConfirmationCode(userId, address)
  • Confirm user by providing the correct confirmation code. It returns a token which identifies a unique user:
  • Retrieve authentication token by providing user`s ID
val token = identityConfirmation.getTokenById(userId: String)


This library is licensed under MIT. Full license text is available in LICENSE.