
Student attendance system by qr code it is developed using React Native.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a student attedance system by qr scan method project. This project was made for the one of my bachelor course and with the goal of learning React Native, Nodejs.

System allows teachers to take attendance via scanning students' cards which are included with unique qr codes for each student using his/her mobile application.

Available Scripts For Client Side

npm start

Runs your app in development mode.

Open it in the Expo app on your phone to view it. It will reload if you save edits to your files, and you will see build errors and logs in the terminal.

npm run ios

Like npm start, but also attempts to open your app in the iOS Simulator if you're on a Mac and have it installed.

npm run android

When you deploy the api on Now you need to update the URL variable on this location. https://github.com/okanisildur/attendance-by-qr-scan-method/blob/master/app/src/actions/types.js

Available Scripts For Backend

To run api

npm start

For development

npm start:dev

This version of application is a working beta and it has tested only on IOS operating system.

It is deployed using Now and the database is working on the Mlab.