
It is a Hotel Management System that developed with Django - Python. Database tables have been created according to normalization rules.

Primary LanguagePython

Django - Hotel Management System

  • Requirement Analysis Document - System Design Document - Object Design Document - Mockups - Class Diagram - ER Diagram are in the "Documents" Folder.

  • It is hotel management system which has 5 different user types:
    Admin - Manager - Receptionist - Staff - Guest (Each of the types have different permission and functionality.)

  • There are some screenshots of the program on "Screenshots" folder.

In order to download and run the project ( It is assumed that Python 3 is already installed ):

  1. Install Django and Apps:
pip install Django==3.1.4
pip install django-phonenumber-field[phonenumbers]

Needed to create roles and admin account to add new employee accounts

  1. Change Directory to Django---Hotel-Management-System/HMS and start the Shell:
python3 manage.py shell
  • Then execute these, one by one:
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, User
from accounts.models import Employee
user = User.createuser=User.objects.create_user('admin', password='admin123')
group = Group.objects.get(name="admin")
admin = Employee(user=user, salary=0)


  • Exit the shell and set the database:
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate

Then, start the surver

python3 manage.py runserver
  • This will work if correctly set up.


Note 1: In the program, there are some payment page. No need to enter real credit-card informations. The payment page is just for the system, it doesnt work. However; after this page, a verification code is sent the user email address.

Note 2: You can only sign up as a guest to the system. In order to add employee (Manager - Receptionist - Staff):

  • Login in to the system with username: "admin" and password : "admin123"
  • Go the employee page on options in navbar.
  • Click "Add New Employee" button, fill the form and send it.
  • You will see the success message. Then, you can use that employee to enter the system

Note 3: For the email system (In some cases system sends e-mails):

  • Go to the HMS/setting.py
  • Under the settings file you can find the email settings, uncomment them in order to change the settings and put the email address you want to use to receive the rmails from the system.