
Simple python scripts solving well known programming challenge questions

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple python scripts solving well known programming interview questions

  • test1 - clones an undirected graph represented with a label and list of neighboring nodes
  • test2 - solves NQueens puzzle which is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other
  • test3 - finds the best time to buy and sell a stock once or unlimited times or fix number of times to make the maximum profit
  • test4 - recovers a binary search tree with 2 replaced nodes
  • test5 - implements a search typehead
  • test6 - implements preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of a binary tree with and without using recursion
  • test7 - finds the largest rectangle in a histogram
  • test8 - finds the kth minimum number in a list
  • test9 - determines if two strings are anagram or not
  • test10 - implements bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, and bucket sort algorithms
  • test11 - reorders a linked list L1->L2->...->LN-1->LN into L1->LN->L2->LN-1->...
  • test12 - finds the median of an array which is created by merging two sorted arrays in O(log n+m)
  • test13 - implements a simple vending machine
  • test14 - removes duplicate entries in a list
  • test15 - checks if 2 strings are rotation of each other
  • test16 - reverses words in a given sentence without using any library method
  • test17 - finds the nth node from the end in a singly linked list in one pass
  • test18 - finds the shortest sequence between two words start and end by changing single character each time and requiring all intermediary words in a word dictionary
  • test19 - finds all combinations of a string
  • test20 - checks if a string is a palindrome
  • test21 - reverses a singly linked list
  • test22 - creates a binary tree iterator
  • test23 - searches an integer in a presorted integer array which was rotated from an unknown pivot point (array has no duplicates)
  • test24 - finds the middle node in a linked list in one pass
  • test25 - prints all leaves of a binary tree
  • test26 - counts the occurrence of each word in a list
  • test27 - implements a binary tree
  • test28 - finds the least common ancestor in a binary search tree
  • test29 - finds the maximum depth of a binary tree
  • test30 - returns level order of a binary tree
  • test31 - finds the common words in two lists
  • test32 - finds list of all unique triplets in a list of integers satisfying a+b+c=0 in non-descending order
  • test33 - reads a text file and creates another text file with the reversed file content
  • test34 - finds starting position of substrings in a string S where each substring is a combination of all substrings provided in a list L
  • test35 - intermixes two strings after crerating chunks in size n e.g. ABCDEFG and 1234567890 with 2 char chunks -> AB12CD34EF56G7890
  • test36 - reverses words in a paragraph
  • test37 - finds a, b, c, d values such that A[a]+A[b] = A[c] + A[d] where a < b and c < d and a < c and b != d and b != c
  • test38 - finds largest distance between nodes of a tree
  • test39 - finds stepping numbers between two integers e.g. A=10, B=40 output = [10, 12, 21, 23, 32, 34]
  • test40 - checks if a string has all digits
  • test41 - demonstrates trying and catching exceptions while getting a positive integer as an input and printing its square
  • test42 - finds the kth minimum number in a list (another version)
  • test43 - manipulates a number string by adding a "*" between two consecutive even numbers and "-" between two consecutive odd numbers
  • test44 - implements power function with modulo operator
  • test45 - searches for a range (a, b) in a sorted integer array A where a and b represent the first and last occurences of integer B
  • test46 - reverses a linked list partially between two values
  • test47 - calculates combination sum of a set of numbers (C) such that sum equals to target number (T)
  • test48 - finds all unique permutations of a list of numbers
  • test49 - evaluates an expression in reverse polish notation
  • test50 - finds contiguous subarray within an array, A of length N which has the largest sum
  • test51 - finds duplicate characters in a string
  • test52 - finds if parentheses are balanced in a string
  • test53 - generates all combinations of n pairs of well-formed parentheses
  • test54 - finds Fibonacci numbers for a given positive integer (finds the Fibonacci of 10M on a Mac with 32GB memory)
  • test55 - rearranges a list such that A[i] becomes A[A[i]] where A[i] has N elements such that 0<=A[i]<=N-1
  • test56 - rotates a matrix 90 degrees clockwise without using another matrix
  • test57 - finds a substring in a string
  • test58 - converts an integer N into a roman numeral where 1 < N < 4000
  • test59 - converts a JSON string into prettyJSON format
  • test60 - finds if the list A with sorted integers have 2 indices such that A[i] - A[j] = k where k is a positive integer and i != j (space optimized)
  • test61 - finds 3 numbers with a sum closest to a given integer T in a list of integers S
  • test62 - implements eval function for arithmetic operands *,/,+,-
  • test63 - finds all unique paths in a grid of MxN size between points (1,1) and (M,N)
  • test64 - sorts a list of colors 0, 1, and 2 in minimum number of swaps (O(N) complexity)
  • test65 - computes and returns the square root of integer A as floor(sqrt(A)) where 1<=A<=10^9
  • test66 - calculates the nth integer in "count and say" list
  • test67 - adds two binary strings
  • test68 - finds the length of the shortest string to be appended to turn a string into a palindrome
  • test69 - matches two regular expression strings
  • test70 - finds all possible letter combinations of for digits dialed on a letter phone
  • test71 - finds sliding window maximums of an integer array
  • test72 - finds all permutations of items in a list
  • test73 - solves gas station problem
  • test74 - finds the maximum length of list of disjoint intervals for a given list of intervals
  • test75 - finds the majority element in a list
  • test76 - prints the first non-repeated character from a string
  • test77 - finds the minimum number of cuts to create palindromes from a string
  • test78 - solves the word break problem which determines if a string consists of substrings all found in a dictionary
  • test79 - finds the size of the largest rectangle in a binary matrix
  • test80 - finds the size of the largest rectangle in a binary matrix in O(NxN) time complexity
  • test81 - finds the minimum number of steps to convert string A into string B
  • test82 - cuts a rod from the weak points of the rod in an order to minimize the rod cutting cost where cutting each rod costs the length of the rod
  • test83 - distributes minimum number of candies to N children each with a priority
  • test84 - inserts a new interval into a list of intervals which are non-overlapping and sorted based on start times
  • test85 - deletes all nodes with duplicate numbers in a sorted linked list
  • test86 - merges two sorted linked lists
  • test87 - swaps all two adjacent nodes in a linked list and returns its head
  • test88 - partitions a linked list such that all nodes with a value less than X come before all nodes with value greater than or equal to X
  • test89 - reverses a string by using recursion
  • test90 - returns elements of an NxM matrix in spiral order
  • test91 - sorts a linkled list by using insertion sort
  • test92 - finds subsets of a list of distinct integers and returns them in the non-descending order
  • test93 - creates a list with only unique items
  • test94 - approximates the Pi value by accumulating the distance among point increments on the upper right quartile of the circle
  • test95 - finds the intersection of two linked lists in O(N) time and O(1) memory
  • test96 - finds if the list A with sorted integers have 2 indices such that A[i] - A[j] = k where k is a positive integer and i != j (time optimized)
  • test97 - adds two non-negative numbers stored in two linked lists where digits are stored in reverse order and each node contains a single digit.