
A reactive (non-blocking) Process API in Java/Scala

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A reactive (non-blocking) Process API in Java/Scala using NuProcess and ReactiveX.

Settings and Limitations

rx-process inherits all the settings, performance characteristics, and limitations from NuProcess. See the NuProcess's document for more details.


import rx.Observer
import com.github.okapies.rx.process._

val cmd = ReactiveCommand.build("ls", "-al").decoder(new ByLineDecoder)
val o = new Observer[String] {
  def onNext(t: String) = println(s"### onNext: '${t}' on ${Thread.currentThread().getName()}")
  def onCompleted() = println("### onCompleted")
  def onError(e: Throwable) = println(s"### onError: ${e}")
cmd.run(new ProcessObserver().stdout(o))