This is the code for the website.

About She's Coding

She's Coding is an open-source website project currently under development in cooperation with the documentary film CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap. She’s Coding is meant to serve as the destination for anyone who wants to learn more about the gender gap problem in computer science and become part of the solution.


Yes! She's Coding is build by the community, for the community. We currently have a small group of volunteers bootstrapping the project, and we are in the process of defining some simple rules on how to contribute for the wider community.

Let us know if you want to join our team!


  • Install Homebrew (OSX):

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install rvm:

    \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
  • Install Ruby:

    rvm install 2.2.1
  • Select this version for use:

    rvm use 2.2.1
  • Install Postgresql

    • Mac:


      brew install postgresql

      Initialize the postgres database:

      initdb /usr/local/var/postgres

      Start the postgres server:

      pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
    • Ubuntu:

      See []

      For simple setup (local use only) follow the "Alternate Server Setup" of the resource provided above.

  • Set up the database:

    $ createdb shescoding_development
    $ psql -d shescoding_development -c "CREATE USER shescoding WITH PASSWORD 'shescoding'"
    $ psql -d shescoding_development -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE shescoding_development to shescoding"
  • Set up your local repo

    • Fork the repository by hitting the "Fork" button on the shescoding github page

    • Clone the repository:

      git clone<your_github_username>/shescoding-dot-org.git
    • Add the upstream repository:

      git remote add upstream
  • Load all the gems:

    bundle install
  • Run database migrations:

    rake db:migrate
  • Start the Rails server:

    rails s
  • Visit the project at localhost:3000

Pre-commit hook

Please do not commit and push directly to the master branch! The hooks/pre-commit file in this repository contains a pre-commit hook that warns you if you are checking directly into master. In order to enable this hook, from the root of the repo do:

cp hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit